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coaching + classes with Dallisa

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Dallisa. She specializes in:

  • Clarity & Activation Coaching (life, work/business, money, relationships and more)

  • Energy Clearings and Spiritual Alignments

  • Discussing her Predictions + Astrology

    Dallisa approaches each class or coaching session as the unique experience that it is, providing students and clients with what they need the most at that time.

    Dallisa offers her Signature Clarity Coaching & Energy Clearing combination sessions, group coaching, and interactive classes.

    What is Clarity Coaching? It's an opportunity for us to discuss your roadblocks and co-create a pathway forward for you! 

    A few examples of Clarity Coaching topics ...

    • How do I quit the job I hate and what should I do next? 

    • I know I am in a toxic relationship -- why do I stay and how do I leave? 

    • I am having a challenging time with a co-worker -- how can I approach them in a kind way that creates space for collaboration? 

    • I'd like to start my own business, but I can't seem to get out of my way. How can I kick-start the momentum?

    • I am always worried about money -- what's at the root of that fear and how can I heal the parts of me that are scared?

    Dallisa will be a guide, shining a light to help you see the parts of yourself that have been in the shadows. Trying to make a decision? Let's get to the heart of the matter and understand the motivation behind each choice.

    Her coaching style is one of curiosity, asking you profound questions that lead you to "ah ha" moments. 

    Are you motivated, open-minded, and ready to get really clear?

    Be on the lookout for an email notification when sessions, classes, or group coaching spots become available or click the button below to email Dallisa directly!

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