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Look! I'm Talking To You...

Spirits are miraculous! If you could shadow me you would be amazed at the things I experience and see... and, all because I tune into the spirits around me. I know that each of us can communicate with our departed loved ones (I'll teach you how in my online class next week, "Connecting to Spirit"). It isn't anything you should be afraid of, as I can teach you how to tap into the frequency of love.

What are my signs? Ever since my grandpa Frank passed away I see the number "11" everywhere, all day long. And, I have also have feathers that drop in my path when I need some reassurance that I'm on the right track. It's like they're saying...

"Look, I'm Talking to YOU!"...

I few years ago I started a company called Love FrogKisser -- We helped singles connect offline through curated singles events. It would be an understatement to say that starting and running this company had been a challenge. It helped my soul grow and evolve in so many ways. But, I remember spirit coming to me in an incredible way at one of my most challenging moments.

It was the day of the very first singles event that I was hosting in Fort Worth, TX. I was at home working on my laptop, and questioning everything I had done the last 9-months to create Love FrogKisser. I was beyond stressed out, and was feeling vulnerable. I asked myself if starting this company was the right idea. I was sleep deprived, running on fumes and on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I thought about quitting altogether. I sat my laptop down and walked into the other room of my 2nd floor apartment. I came back a few moments later and discovered something completely astonishing: a feather had appeared on the top of my laptop keyboard as to say "I'm here with you. You're on the right track. Keep going!" In that moment I was reminded that I had to keep my faith, and that the challenges were my north star, pointing me in the right direction.

What signs are your loved ones and spirit guides sending you? Do you have your eyes and heart open to receive their messages? It's remarkable what we can experience when we pay attention!