page contents


  1. Go to the Whole Sign chart page on Astro Cafe and enter your info:

  2. If you don't know your exact time of birth, check your birth certificate or ask a parent or someone that might know. The more exact it is, the better. The birth time affects things like your Rising sign and where things fall in your chart. If you really can't find it and you don't want to request it from the hospital you were born at, take a best guess.

  3. When entering your birth city, start typing in the name of the city and a dropdown menu will appear. Scroll through the menu and select the correct location.

  4. After clicking submit, you'll find an image of your Whole Sign astrology chart and a full report on it. From a computer, "right click" on the image of your chart and save it. You'll be referring back to your chart during class. From your cell phone, you should be able to press/hold on the image of your chart and save it to your device.

Astrology books mentioned in class:

  1. Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life

  2. Basics of Astrology:

App mentioned in class: The Pattern

Free astrology report mentioned in class (Cafe Astrology): Free Astrology Birth Chart Report

Access to the North Node Astrology Class is included with your Sacred Signals membership: Sacred Signals — Dallisa Hocking

The class replay will be posted here after the live Zoom on January 16