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3-CARD Instructions

2021 VIDEO

Thank you for ordering your 3-Card Reading from Dallisa! Please watch this quick video on how to get the most out of your experience. It also includes a simple visualization to get you ready for the messages from the Universe.

  1. Open your heart and mind with Dallisa’s special visualization (in this video)

  2. Allow the Universe to bring you clarity through the cards. Remember, everything is for you, and your Spirit Team selected THESE messages!

  3. Sit with the cards, hold them, feel them. Write down any thoughts, feelings, or insights that come to you. What messages are you receiving?

  4. Text or Email us and let us know how the message resonated with you: or 702-551-6819

Spark Plug members: Don’t forget to check your member portal! We post regularly. If you’d like a future 3-card reading, please go to the “Add On” tab and sign-up! Thank you for all of your love and support.