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The Universe is Calling You!

Go to the Next Level with your healing career

If you are serious about stepping more fully into your power in a professional way, consider joining Spirit & Spark® as a psychic, medium or Tarot/Oracle card reader.

  1. Help you develop and grow your own business. When the sale comes in from the website, you are copied on an email with the client so you can discuss next steps. When you win, we win!

  2. Partnering with existing Practitioners to expand their impact. We believe that collaborations can be powerful. What would it be like to teach a class, and have other Practitioners share it with their networks? At Spirit & Spark, we utilize an affiliate tracking system, where the team feels motivated to market your offerings.

  3. Connecting individuals with quality practitioners. With Spirit & Spark® as a nationwide company, we continue to expand our reach to all corners of the country. With many of our 3rd party service providers (practitioners) living throughout the U.S. and providing services virtually, physical location is no longer a barrier. Each psychic, medium or card reader that is interested in joining the company is required to pass an audition and carry business liability insurance. We seek to align ourselves with Practitioners that are serious about providing caring, thoughtful sessions to clients.

All interviews and selections are at the sole discretion of Dallisa Hocking, CEO of Spirit & Spark®

To be considered as a Practitioner, please fill out the form below. After we receive your information and it’s determined that you could be a good fit, you will be scheduled for your Zoom video audition. We will also leave 10-15 minutes after your audition is complete to answer any questions that you may have about joining the company!