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As I asked my Spirit Team for the "Word of 2023", I was surprised by what I heard: MEND

Leaning into my curiosity to understand further, I gained this additional insight ...

According to the dictionary, mend is a verb, to "repair (something that is broken or damaged)"

We are being called in 2023 to go inward and repair the relationship with ourselves, and to build stronger bridges with the people around us.

With that in mind, here are a few questions you may want to consider:

  1. Where do you feel you could be a bigger advocate for yourself?

  2. When it comes to your own forgiveness, how can you extend grace inward?

  3. How can you actively be a part of your community in 2023? Where can you lend a hand, even if it feels insignificant?

New Year, Improved Goal Setting Process!

Enjoy these simple templates, designed to help you navigate your priorities and action plan

Journaling Prompts

"What do you keep choosing instead of what you really want?"

What can this question help with?
... Where old patterns may be present, and/or where you take your eye off of your dream by choosing other things.

"What must you release in order to receive all that is waiting for you?"

What can this question help with?
... Identifying where you may have physical, mindset or energetic clutter that is keeping you stagnant or small.

"What is comfortable about where you're at now?"

What can this question help with?
... Showing you where you may be settled into a comfort zone, perhaps shining a light on where you could banish fear and activate courageousness more!

"What will your legacy be?"

What can this question help with?
... Getting you clearer on what you want to be remembered for can increase momentum towards reaching important achievements.

"What lights you up?"

What can this question help with?
... When you know what creates more joy for you, you can work to create more of it in your life! What we focus on expands :)