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How did I figure out what I want?

Well, I spent decades ignoring my inner wants and gifts.  I wore a mask and wore it well. Society told me:  I was perfect, successful, an overachiever, a great mom, and I was even described as “a good egg”! 

I loved to hear those things; I even began to believe it. However, the price I paid for all of that was too high.

I told myself little lies to justify my behaviors to keep up with society’s expectations of me. I developed an unhealthy competitive mindset, I suffered from insomnia, my mind never stopped, I cared too much for what others thought of me and I questioned if I did too little or too much for others. Endless!

One day on my quest to find something outside of me, I had a breakthrough of self-actualization: 

I realized I did not belong to myself. What I was looking for was not in a career, a partner, or a thing. It was inside of me. I was inspired to do more inner digging:

  • I had to answer: Who is Arlene? The essence of her. Not how society viewed her.

  • I had to write my own Eulogy. It helped me discern my life up to that point (a mind-blowing experience).

I also did a judgment detox to let go of judgments, the justified and unjustified ones. Including my self-talk! Self-awareness and self-forgiveness are critical.  #OwnershipAndKindness

Feeling light, like a feather - free of judgment!

I was now ready to brainstorm my passions without selling my soul for money or emotional obligation.

Working hard at something does not mean it is worth more. If it doesn’t flow let it go!

  • I listed all those things that I would gladly do all day every day even without getting paid.

  • I reflected on my “why” why do I want to do it? 

  • I asked myself, am I giving the truth about me to myself and others? 

  • How much time am I spending on my passions? 

  • What can I do right now to get closer to the next step?

  • Do I want to do what it takes, or do I just want it?

Then I got disciplined! I rewired my behaviors and mindset:

  • I now know that my behavior precedes my success.

  • I remind  myself I am my own CEO, average behavior will produce average results.

  • I am disciplined with my time, from morning to evening.

  • I created a routine with consistent and healthy habits.

  • I invest in myself,  for education and business.

  • I am  self accountable so I can be in business for myself.

  • I am gentle with myself, have faith,  and I am impeccable with my words.

  • I BELIEVE IN MYSELF. In  life, we don’t get what we ask for. We get what we believe in.

You can find more about my journey in my book Raised By Intuition releasing in 2022. Don’t forget to shine so brightly it blinds others! : )