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Thank you for registering for my upcoming New Moon Gathering on Wednesday, May 17th at 7pm PST. I will also send you a copy of these details via email before we go live on 5/17.

You will find the Zoom link below.

Because of the guided energy activation that will take place, you're strongly encouraged to attend live. Otherwise, you can enjoy the replay afterwards! I will send it to you via email within 24-48 hours of the live event.

At the end of the live broadcast on 5/17, I will pull (3) names at random that will receive a complimentary mini psychic reading. Those individuals will be able to ask me (1) question about their life. You must be present to win, along with completing the new client form in advance. Watch for that email notification!

ZOOM LINK for 5/17 Live Event:

*You do not need to have your video or audio on -- simply attend and enjoy!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 1478 0850

Passcode: 825930


Thank you again for participating -- I am looking forward to seeing you on Zoom soon!

Dallisa Hocking

CEO, Spirit & Spark®