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The 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop

Become Unstuck & Power-Up Your Bright Future

Does it feel like your big, juicy dream is just outside of your reach?

Join me for my signature 3-part Masterpiece Workshop where you’ll release what is no longer serving you, get clarity around your big, juicy future, and call in the energy to manifest it with ease.

In 2015, I was a burnt out employee and entrepreneur. I was burning the candle at both ends, believing that sleepless nights and crying in my bowl of ice cream were badges of honor. 

I was overcome by sadness, loneliness and a fear of failure, but I felt like I had to go through it in order to be seen as a success. The more I worked long hours, and grinded out my work day, the more I believed people would look up to me in awe.

I had become a hustler.

My self-confidence was tied to what other people thought about me. And, I was on the brink of a total meltdown. 

I was all messed up on the inside, and that was creating confusion and roadblocks on the outside.

I tried working my way out of the problem.

Dallisa, if you grind just a bit harder, it will all work itself out. 

I kept quiet.

If you don’t tell people what’s going on, you won’t burden them with your problems.

I avoided getting help.

You’ll be seen as weak if you hire a coach or take a class. You should be smart enough to figure this out on your own.

Now, I know differently. 

I remember the turning point: I woke up one morning with bags under my eyes, having cried about my life choices the night before. I was tired of walking alone. The hustler energy inside had created walls and isolation. I was ready to be seen, heard and held.

Once I started working with an energy healer and coach, my life began to shift rapidly. I no longer felt alone. I was able to share my fear, while being hopeful for the future. 

My coach helped me to find myself again. 

She helped me understand that even though I felt stuck in that moment, I didn’t have to stay there. 

I began to realize that I my self-worth and confidence was directly correlated to my big, juicy future, and I could have it. It could be mine. It wasn’t too late.

The shift in my energy and mindset not only changed my job, and the new company I had started, but I also began working out, eating healthier and dating people that understood my worth. 

It changed everything.

I was no longer laying awake at night, worried about money, being appreciated or being a failure. I became the person I knew I could be.

I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through.

You don’t have to wait any longer.

Introducing the 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop

Become Unstuck & Power-Up Your Bright Future

Enroll in my 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop where we’ll help you to see where you’re holding yourself back, embrace your full potential, and start attracting your dreams to you now

Whether you’re looking for a dream job, to run a successful company of your own, or to live a happier, more purpose-driven life, you can do it.

During this 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop, you’ll learn tools and techniques that I’ve mastered in my years as a psychic medium, energy practitioner and coach.

The workshop will blend harmonious meditations, powerful visualizations, energy modalities, thought-provoking questions and community discussions, designed to help you put your past behind you, and embrace your big, juicy future with excitement!

Each part is 60-minutes, and designed for high-impact.

o   Day 1: Giving Gratitude to the Gifts. Identify which parts of you want to stay tied to the past, so we can work to release them.

o   Day 2: Permission for Ignition. Evaluating where you are in this present moment, giving yourself permission to move forward. 

o   Day 3: Activating Your Bright Future. Getting clarity around your big, juicy dream and aligning with the tools and techniques to manifest it.

By registering for this 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop, you’ll also get a special bonus:

  • BONUS: Post workshop 60-min Live Q/A jam session where you can ask additional questions about the class material we’ve gone over and next steps! This is about ensuring you have actionable tools to move you closer to your goals and dreams. You aren’t alone! (Retail Value: $195)

Register for this special opportunity -- Space is limited!

The 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop: $300


When does the Masterpiece Workshop start?

To maximize the energy of the New Year and Resolutions, the 3-part Masterpiece Class starts in early January.

Live Class Dates: January 4-6, 2022 at 8am PST | 11am EST.

Do I need to attend the workshop live?

It is highly recommended that you participate fully in the 3-part Masterpiece Workshop, making time in your schedule for the experience. It will help build a deeper sense of community and belonging.

In the event that I can’t watch live, will a recording will be made available?

Yes, a recording and supplemental tools will be sent out to attendees after each session via email. You are asked to complete each session within 24-hours.

What is the investment for the 3-Part Masterpiece Workshop?

For all 3-parts it is $300. This includes the video replays and handouts.

Will this work for someone who has never done this type of self-work before?

Yes, as long as you come with an open heart, mind and are ready to take a deep dive into the present moment and your bright future. Participants that make this program a priority, and do the inner work, will reap the best results.

What makes this workshop different from others?

This is an opportunity to look at the past, present and future in a more comprehensive way, allowing you to take giant leaps in a condensed amount of time.

Is manifesting my dream(s) actually possible? Can I get to where I want to be in life?


If I go all in, how long will it take to see results?

Great question! It truly depends on your level of commitment. I’ve seen amazing results with clients within one session, while other people desire to work through the tools and energy at a slower pace. In the quantum field, we can release the old and embrace the new right away!

I’m ready to manifest my dreams. How do I register?

Click Here:

The Masterpiece Workshop includes:

  • Incredible Meditations and Visualizations to Unlock Your Full Potential

  • Energy Modalities Designed to Align with Your Dreams

  • Insightful Questions and Discussions, Allowing for Community Building and Deep Clarity

All of the techniques I’ll be introducing in the program are all things I’ve done myself.

You'll have a major advantage by having someone hold you accountable, and shine the light for you while you step into your full power.