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As a Spark Plug member, please enjoy Dallisa’s Complimentary Psychic Development Class! It is recommended that you watch all videos, and complete the handouts, in the order in which they are outlined below, as they build upon each other.

Class #2: the clairs + discover what gifts you have!

Class #3: Reading oracle cards + bonus charka content in handout

Class #4: Reading tarot cards, major arcana

Class #5: Reading tarot cards, Numbers Ace-10

Class #6: Reading tarot cards, Court AND ELEMENT cards + seasonal timing

Class #7: working with tarot card spreads

I am loving these 25 (3) Card Tarot Spreads from Biddy Tarot: 25 Easy Three-Card Tarot Spreads - Biddy Tarot

Check out their email newsletter and resources while you’re there!