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Before beginning a Remote Viewing exercise, I would recommend the following:

  • Do a 7-10 minute meditation, which allows you to be at peace and open to the possibility of connecting with Spirit / the Universe. You can try “Guided Meditation for your 3rd Eye (or Crown Chakra).” You can find some under the “Meditations” tab in this portal, or try a Free App like Insight Timer.

  • Have a pen and paper handy, so you can write down all of the location impressions that you receive during the exercise!

  • Don’t forget to clear your energy afterwards:

“Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception (ESP) or "sensing" with the mind. -Wikipedia

1) “Target” image is in an envelope (physical location)

2) Quiet your mind, don’t second guess yourself, and begin writing down your first impressions (descriptive words)

3) Pay attention to subtle sensations and feelings; keep writing without judgement!

4) Write down sensory information that comes up – what do you see, smell, taste? Is it hot or cold there? Are there any sizes, shapes or patterns emerging? Do you have an emotional reaction about the location?

5) Can you draw a sketch of the location? Or a bird’s eye view?

Remote Viewing: Practice / Activity (#2 / B), Published in early July 2023

Remote Viewing: Practice / Activity (#3 / C), Shared July 26, 2023

Remote Viewing: Practice / Activity (#1 / A)