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 your Value is Your Superpower

How to rock your confidence, step into your worth and GET noticed!

Two Date/Time Options:

  • Thursday, December 2nd at 3pm PST | 6pm EST

  • Saturday, December 4th at 10:30am PST | 1:30pm EST


  • Normally: $147

  • Early Bird on/before November 30th with code SAVE100: ONLY $47

Approximate Workshop Length: 60-90 minutes, including live Q/A

Who is this workshop best suited for? See if any of these statements apply to you:

  • You feel that the job you’re in isn’t the job you actually want, but you stay anyway

  • What you’re paid isn’t matching up to how much effort you put in

  • You’ve being overlooked for promotions or other jobs

  • When you should speak up at work, you feel like it’s hard to do

  • You don’t want to get out of bed in the morning to go to work

If so, you’ll love this workshop.

We’ll be going over:

  1. How the inner you is creating your external circumstances (and how to get people to notice how amazing you really are)

  2. Your relationship with yourself and how that’s kept you small

  3. Opening up (even more) to speaking your truth and asking for what you want

There will be interaction and Q/A, so please make yourself a priority and attend live. A recording of the workshop will be sent to attendees afterwards, too. By registering for one session, you can attend both dates/times offered!

BONUS: Register for this special workshop and receive a complimentary bonus guide. It will include juicy affirmations and journaling prompts, allowing you to continue your reflections after class.

Space is limited, register early.