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welcome to our special community.

Yesss! The Universe was very clear with me. “Dallisa, you need to create a space where like-minded people can connect, grow and be filled with light.” I listened. And, you showed up.

The Spark Plug would not exist without my amazing Spirit Team’s guidance, our incredible Practitioners… and you. There are no accidents — the Universe directed you here for a reason. Let’s explore that reason together!

Now that you’re here, what’s next?

  • What am I not saying in regards to my psychic predictions on mainstream social media? You’ll find those under “Dallisa’s Predictions.”

  • Upcoming Classes can be found in the “Classes” tab.

  • Current Offers & Perks can be found in the “Current Member Digest” tab.

  • My 21-Day Meditation Challenge and recent meditation broadcasts can be found on the “Meditations” tab.

  • A list of some of Dallisa’s favorite spiritual and self-help books can be found on the Reading List & Teachers page, along with teachers she has had over the years.

Let’s keep our hearts and minds open. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

Surrounding you with infinite joy and abundance,


CEO, Spirit & Spark | 5th Generation Psychic Medium | Personal Transformation Coach | Intuitive Business Consultant

Email: | Text 702-551-6819

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