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Three-Card Psychic Readings Prove to Be Just the Ticket

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Life is good these days for Dallisa Hocking – Las Vegas’ premier psychic medium. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to hold everyone hostage and throwing uncertainty around like glitter, everyone is a little nervous about what’s in store for them. And apparently, everyone is also a little curious and seeking out Hocking’s services. With her personal sessions booked out through the end of the year, she is looking for creative ways to help as many people as possible. And her innovative Three-Card Readings seem to be just the ticket.

"Just So You Know" Podcast Interview + Election Prediction


In episode 09, JFlo's guest, Dallisa Hocking, owner of Spirit & Spark is a fifth-generation psychic and wow, oh wow ... Dallisa makes a bold election prediction (let's see how that turns out!), gives JFlo a shocking and bewildering card reading that leaves her flustered and talks about clearing the energy in your home, crystals and when on earth is this crazy energy going to end?! Spoiler: We have a minute until it does.

Tune in and see what they had to say for yourself!

Dallisa is the CEO of Spirit & Spark, a fifth-generation psychic medium and intuitive business coach. She founded Spirit & Spark, a nation-wide company devoted to matching clients with top spiritual and wellness service providers, allowing for thoughtful, healing connections.

You're Invited: Making Peace with Your Emotional Trigger


You're Invited: Making Peace with Your Emotional Trigger

A free workshop offered by Andy Chaleff as part of the launch of his newest book The Wounded Healer. This workshop highlights the practice that he uses throughout the book. He refers to this as the “radical self-love practice,” where he invites people to look at the thing that is hardest to admit and say it out loud, following it with, “…. and it’s fu*king great.”

The workshop gives you the opportunity to go through the experience of radical self-love in a fun and practical way. This is facilitated by the author, Andy, as usual in his playful and irreverent style, guiding you through a connective practice between participants and then sharing the experience as a whole.

This workshop is for everyone, whether you have read the book or not, you will discover something about yourself. There will be laughter and tenderness. Andy does not like for people to get stuck in the idea that life is all about suffering. Having said that, you will walk away with a deepened sense of inner peace and greater compassion for any struggles you may be having.

Andy Chaleff is not associated with Spirit & Spark, but his work has helped many people and we felt called to share this offering with you!

13 Spooky Tips for Halloween

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Grab Your FREE Guide:


With social distancing firmly in place for Halloween 2020, many are left wondering how they and their children can still celebrate the holiday.  Spirit & Spark, a company that aligns individuals with psychics, mediums, life coaches, energy healers, and more, has released a socially distanced Halloween tip sheet to help families celebrate.

The Bridge of Dreams, By Katrina Jadkowski


The Bridge of Dreams 

Last night I journeyed in my sleep to an unknown place. 

It was a distant galaxy, and all was still. 

The sound that softly reached my ears was singing, 

not with recognizable words, 

but angelic voices 

that sang in a melodic wave

that did not require language. 

It was older than time itself, 

an ancient melody, 

formed before language existed. 

The Music's energy surrounded me, 

caressing me gently in a blanket sound, 

I felt at peace. 

I approached a bridge, 

not a visible bridge of bricks and mortar 

the bridge seemed woven out of starlight.

A magnetic force drew me onto its magical path, 

but I had no visible body. 

I was just energy making my way along the starlit overpass. 

I stopped when I had reached the center of the bridge

and down, I looked. 

I could see my hands resting on the starlit structure, 

but I was only an outline; 

I was not flesh and bone, 

I was effervescent starlight

I was moving my limbs through the blackness surrounding me,

a trail of lights and energy emitted from

the essence of imagined fingertips. 

My movements were soft, 

like the swaying of a mermaid dancing in 

the depths of a starlight sea. 

At my feet, 

I found a basket that the universe's guardians

had placed there just for me. 

It was a basket of stars


I let my fingers linger amongst the mystical beams of light 

I grasped them as you would a handful of flower petals. 

I tossed the heavenly beams 

into the unknown galaxy, 

and immediately Darkness was no more. 

The stars burst into life with colors brighter than I had ever seen

or could imagine. 

The falling stars were 

the magic that dreams are made of

as I scattered the starlight, 

they illuminated the Darkness 

with hope and happiness


and love.

As my mind settled deeper 

My breathing rhythmically slowed, 

I knew I was beckoned here to explore. 

Imagination is our most valuable asset. 

The universe has provided a blackboard, 

an expansive canopy,

just waiting for us 

to dream


and invent.

To shine our light where there is Darkness, 

to sprinkle our starlight

to pave the way for blissful dreams 

to be the architecture 

on which we build

our waking reality.

Katrina recently shared this poem with Dallisa, CEO of Spirit & Spark, and we were moved by it and decided to share it here.

Katrina Jadkowski is a dreamer. Born just outside of London, England, her life experiences range from mundane and somewhat ordinary corporate positions to darn right unique.
Fact is stranger than fiction! Katrina rode Elephants on a circus in Spain, sailed the high seas, and was sawn in half twice nightly in a Las Vegas magic show. Adventures have always been part of this storyteller’s life. She is the owner and creator of

Love Yourself, By Amy Chieng



You can’t love someone until you love yourself. Please always remember that you are worthy and that you are loved. When we struggle with self-confidence or self-love, we ask ourselves, “WHY.” “Why do I feel this way?”

Growing up, I was always bullied, made fun of, and called names. It got to the point where I would cry myself to sleep every single night, wondering why I was treated the way that I was. What did I do to deserve it? I would always come up with excuses, such as “maybe I’m just ugly” or “maybe it’s because I can’t speak English well” or “maybe my eyes just look funny,” like all the kids used to tell me in school. I literally felt like I was so alone in the world because growing up in my culture, we were taught to never complain. Any signs of weakness was frowned upon, so I kept to myself. I went to school and worked and worked to distract myself. I spent most of my time alone, in my own company.

Throughout the years, I’ve seen how much that has affected me. I always told myself that I just wasn’t good enough. I didn’t feel like I was good enough for my parents because they were always expecting more. When relationships started to fail, I didn’t feel good enough. I was always cheated on, backstabbed, or just someone’s second option. I simply convinced myself, that I just wasn’t good enough. Good enough for anybody, or good enough for this world. When my gifts started to develop, it was even worse because I was seen as “crazy” or “cursed.” Some even said I would end up in a mental hospital.

This taught me not to judge anyone because everyone is going through their own thing. What I’ve also learned was that, I was not the problem. Those who judged me and made fun of me and felt the need to bring me down? They were the problem. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and we were all created to be different, or else nothing would be unique about someone. I’ve learned to love myself and love everything about me. Not in a cocky way, but in a way where I am comfortable with being alone, with being independent. I am comfortable with who I am and what I do because I know that I have a good heart. I’ve learned to send the energy back to those who may need the lesson more than I do. So, if you struggle with self-love, wake up each morning and love yourself. Practice daily affirmations, meditate, look pretty, get all dressed up for nothing, dance and sing your heart out. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do it and get comfortable being in your own body and your own mind. Raise your vibration and SHINE because you, are a wonderful human being, you are loved and you are so, so worthy.


amy: connect to the other side

Medium + Spirit Messages

Reiki: Clearing + Cleansing Your Energy

She senses energy from Beyond! After a traumatic rollover car accident, her near-death experience awoken her abilities!

The Secret of Emotion, By Catalina Patane

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The Secret of Emotion

When I was 20, I was heartbroken because my boyfriend at the time decided that he was done, all of the sudden. I spent hours listening to the same song over and over again. This song expressed what I was feeling, I was so disconsolate, the person I “loved” abandoned me and I didn’t know why so the most “logical” thing at the time it was to think that it was me. I cried for days, begged him to try again, to not abandon me, I blamed myself, I spoke to his mom, maybe she could help to change what he had decided. I stayed in bed for over 3 weeks, I only wanted to sleep so the pain would go away. When I was awake, I was crying and listening to that one song while drinking. Up to this day when I hear that song, I can remember the feelings, I don’t relive the experience anymore, but I used to, and it was painful to think about that experience. At 24, I found myself living a similar experience with someone else and the funny thing is that I found myself playing the same song, repeating the same patterns. When I became more aware of who I was, aware that something had to change in my life because I was extremely unhappy, I kept asking myself WHY a song, or a smell or a person could make me recreated an experience that was in the past, but it felt like it was happening now, why I was living the same situations with different people, I could not understand it.

When I decided study for my coaching certification, I understood the why, it was such a discovery and it truly changed me at my core. It was one of the biggest aha moments I have ever had so far in my life and I want to share this secret with you as it might help you understand yourself. To start to share the secret of emotions with you, its fundamental for me to point out a distinction between feelings and emotions as we have used these 2 words as synonyms, but they are not.

A feeling is a conscious experience that is a result of a thought process, you have a feeling after you had a thought. We use many words to describe a feeling such as frustration, despair, content, resignation, motivation, gratitude good, rage, upset and many others. In contrast an emotion can be an unconscious experience that is triggered by a circumstance lived through our senses. The main difference is that an emotion it felt raw, in your body first, before you can actually recognize it logically. This is because it activates your nervous system, it brings neurophysiological changes in you. In simple words is the positive or negative experience that is linked with a certain physiological pattern. We have 6 main emotions, Anger, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust, and Joy, that’s it!

When you live an emotional experience, it is recorded in your body and mind as a core memory or a belief. This is because your brain has to be extremely efficient to be able to process everything that it does simultaneously and anything that you experience from that point forward that brings up that belief, thoughts and feelings will be linked up to that emotional experience, therefor you will repeat the pattern of how you think feel, act, and ultimately the same results than in the past.

When I was examining my personal life after I became aware that I needed to change or something had to change I realized that in every romantic relationship I had I was living the exact same patterns, I was entering into relationships with men that weren’t ready for a committed serious relationship, I saw red flags but I ignored them, and at the end they would “abandoned me” and I would feel heart broken, feeling deserted, without knowing what do to different than just repeating the pattern from the past, drinking a lot and crying a lot. Discovering this made me ask myself when then the pattern was form, what was the belief I had formed around relationships and self-worth and the answer was in front of my eyes – a belief was formed while my childhood through my relationship with my father, I was relating to men how I learnt during my upbringing, since I experience a form of abandonment from him. I also discover something AMAZING – thanks to my relationship with my father I knew what I didn’t want, therefor I knew also what I wanted in man. I honor my father for this- as he was not aware of the amazing gift that he was giving me, and he was also repeating patterns of his childhood. The most important thing that I realized is that A BELIEF was controlling my emotional experience in my personal life that I kept repeating as my truth and not getting the results I really wanted, so I was a victim in my mind.

You see, emotion is what shapes our lives, the meaning that we associated to an experience will determine our behavior, and the driving force of the meaning comes down to 2 things: the need to avoid pain and the desire to feel pleasure, everything that we do in our lives is out of desire to feel pleasure or to avoid pain. When you understand that everything you do you do it because you are running away from pain or running towards pleasure you will be able to change your conditioned emotions to the environment and therefor control your fate. Managing your emotions and interrupting old patterns of emotions and creating empowering emotional patterns around experiences is essential. We cannot control what happens outside of us but we do control what happens inside of us and even though your core belief system were built during your childhood, you can change the meaning of the disempowering ones and upgrade them to empowering ones. THIS IS THE SECRET OF EMOTION, you can use emotions to create new neurophysiological responses that can change the thoughts, feelings, actions and ultimately the results you get in life.


Your Heart is Powerful.

Catalina can help you to release subconscious programming, so you can enjoy life!

You Are Your Best Thing, By Amy Chieng

You Are Your Best Thing

YOU are your best thing. No one else, YOU. Why? Because! YOU are the creator of your own life and the source is within YOU. Everything you need to know, is in YOU and when you tune into that, into your intuition, you'll be surprised. Everything will fall into place and there will be a guidance within you that will lead you to the abundance that you are waiting to receive. Don’t compare yourself to others and where they’re at in life. Everyone has their own path and timing, but it is also up to you whether or not you want to put in the work for it. So, stop, take a deep breath and just trust that everything will work out. Trust the process and have confidence in yourself!


The Universe is rooting for you!

Amy senses energy from Beyond! After a traumatic rollover car accident, her near-death experience awoken her abilities!

These Letters of Forgiveness, By Alicia Schultze



So much of the pain we seek to heal in ourselves and in our lives comes down to being able to first forgive ourselves - and then to forgive others. This, I feel, is the roadmap to experiencing the deep healing that comes from the experience of true forgiveness.

However simple this may sound, it's not an easy process. It doesn't just happen because you say that you’ve done it. Most often, you have to do it over and over again. You must review and rewrite each incident where the belief pattern caused by the original wound became reinforced in your awareness.

Most of us carry some kind of pain inside. It can be hard to touch this pain because we build walls to protect it; we all had to do this at some point in order to survive.

When I speak to clients and friends about what’s troubling them in their lives or relationships, I notice there are recurring themes that repeat themselves over and over; the players change but the core emotions stay the same. When this is happening, it means that some aspect of your energy is stuck there. Maybe you keep replaying your last conversation with a loved one? Maybe you recall something demeaning or hurtful that someone said to you, or the critical voices of your parents? Maybe there was a time you felt alone, scared, or unloveable? Whatever it may be, your task is to identify and get to know it. This will lead you to that place inside which most longs to be healed in order to be fully present. Remember: you can’t truly be present if you’re still looking through the lens of your past.

I propose to anyone reading this, that a way forward is to explore the process of forgiving by writing, what I call, "Letters of Forgiveness." First, we need to address the things that we ourselves seek forgiveness for, and then we must write to all those who we ourselves need to forgive. It does not matter if the person is alive or not, since this process isn't not about receiving anything in return. It's quite the opposite.

There are multiple parts to this process. This work is a ”devotional” attempt to understand these different parts. It is devotional because the purpose of this article and these Letters of Forgiveness is to serve as a collective prayer of forgiveness. This is your invitation to enter into a dialogue with that part of yourself that is rooted beyond the ordinary, and anchored in the sacred.

Here are the steps to follow:

We begin to notice what repeats itself and take accountability for our part. We can't experience true forgiveness until this happens. Without this step, we continue to blame others. There can't be true forgiveness where there is still blame.
I don’t want to oversimplify this process. I recognize that there are situations where we have been innocent to our trauma. There are many complexities to this subject, but all of the roads of forgiveness will eventually lead back to the theme of compassion.

~Compassion: “There is a Buddhist quote that says "compassion is the flower and forgiveness is the fragrance of its blossoming."
When we are able to understand the pain and shadow inside ourselves, we can have empathy for the pain and shadow inside others. When we’re able to see how our own pain body inflicts pain on others, we are able to better understand how it could also have been done to us. When this happens, we begin to feel a sincere desire to be forgiven and then to forgive.
This process of understanding others through honestly observing ourselves is what seeds the roots of compassion.

In conclusion:

One of the profound benefits of this continued process of forgiveness is that it initiates deep ancestral healing. It cleanses the soul and ultimately fills our DNA with healing light. This process is something we return to over and over again, as we learn to track our thoughts by exploring the deeper layer of our conscious projections and by becoming aware of our unconscious impulses.

How we choose to live affects all the beings that have crossed our path. When we have cleared our karma with someone, light fills the stream that passes between us and into the infinite.

This healing spreads… It spreads from you to the one who hurt you, to those that hurt the one who hurt you, until it reaches back through the lineages. This is true ancestral healing.

Remember: forgiveness is born through understanding the true depth of compassion, and it is the catalyst of grace.


The power of forgiveness.

Alicia draws on her extensive background in Buddhism & Peruvian Shamanism, as well as her clear, intuitive channel to assist clients!

Compensation Equality For All, By Rebecca Ahmed


Talent Acquisition Toolkit: How One Simple Formula Can Move the Needle to Compensation Equality for All

How will Covid-19 impact Human Capital Management (HCM)? This is the million-dollar Human Resources question top of mind! While we don’t know all the implications of coronavirus, we are starting to see an opportunity arise for Talent Acquisition to take the lead on compensation equality with diversity and inclusion at the forefront.  

For the past few months, Talent Acquisition has had to shift to 100% virtual. Recruiter and Hiring Manager Avatar, please meet your Candidate Avatar! To illustrate, avatars have no color, no gender, no sexual orientation, no height, and no weight.

And yes, while live zoom videos and video interviews have become more normalized, a small image behind a screen leaves much to be unseen. 

The coronavirus effect of a virtual talent acquisition process has created an opportunity. Organizations can more effectively evaluate a candidate’s qualifications based on interview metrics directly associated with a role, a candidate’s credentials, and responses.

In turn, this has created an opportunity for organizations to extend offers based on data-driven metrics vs. the influence of conscious and unconscious biases.  

How can Talent Acquisition ensure offers are extended to candidates based on data-driven metrics?

In brief, follow this simple formula.

Education + Transparency & Personalization + Authentic Conversations



Compensation Departments run market data on open roles. They provide market ranges for hiring managers and recruiters to use when they discuss and extend offers. Recruiters must follow a Compensation Committee approval process before posting a role. Providing them intel on a role’s budget, internal equity, and market data. 

A hiring manager’s (HM) primary focus lies within their own operation and department budget. Therefore, HM’s are not expected to be well versed in the art and science of market data and best practices around compensation. This is a perfect opportunity for Talent Acquisition to create a course, one-pager, SOP. Whatever your organization’s culture wants to call it! 

Key Takeaway: Empower your hiring managers to recognize the impact of their conscious and unconscious biases. Free them of a compensation inequality burden that leads to decreased productivity and increased turnover costs in their department.  


Transparency & Personalization

What’s more, market data and an employee’s total compensation package is becoming more and more available to the public. Websites such as, and provide candidates with information on salary ranges. Including direct compensation data.

These platforms allow employees to share their data and experiences. Making it easy for candidates to see reviews on how consistent and inconsistent, fair and unfair, an organization treats their people. These direct testimonials are key to attract top talent. 

A 2017 Mercer trend study showed the following: 

  • 97% of employees want to be recognized and rewarded for a wide range of contributions.

  • Fair and competitive compensation ranked #1 for employees in Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, and the United States. 

  • Transparency on pay calculations ranked #1 for employees in Japan.

In addition to transparency, we have seen a dramatic shift towards personalization within HR over the past 5 years. In Talent Acquisition alone, Automated Tracking Systems (ATS) now offer personalized pages per role, personalized responses, and personalized assessments.

Benefits, Performance Management, and Learning and Development have all now followed. They evolved to a transparent and personalized model. Consequently ensuring they speak to their target audience. It’s time for compensation to join its fellow HR departments!

Key Takeaway: Building a compensation model that is personalized and transparent is a driving factor to attract top talent. 


Authentic Conversations

Once Talent Acquisition educates HM’s and adopts a transparent and personalized offer experience. All that’s left is an authentic conversation! If organizations post roles and ranges internally and externally, employees and candidates can then have authentic conversations to fine-tune where they align within the market range. Based on their experience and education. 

Feeling squeamish about this conversation? Don’t worry! Fierce conversations around culture, data-driven metrics, and expectations will be covered in that training we discussed above under education.

Also, comfort comes with practice! Looking for another way to look at this conversation as an opportunity? Take this occasion to ensure you and your candidate can effectively communicate. And that your candidate aligns with your team and organization’s culture. 

Key Takeaway: Talent Acquisition has an opportunity to set a candidate and organization up for success by fostering fierce conversations that are data-driven and authentic. 


In Summary: The Talent Acquisition Toolkit Formula

Education + Transparency & Personalization + Authentic Conversations = One simple formula that can move the needle to compensation equality for all!

There is a supplemental podcast (Click to Listen)

PDF for her Upcoming Free Class


Yes! You are worth it.

She gets to the heart of what stands between you and success, working to break down those barriers!