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May Horoscopes

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It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!

MAY 2019

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) DOWN TO BUSINESS WITH FINANCES!  Uranus moving into your second house may to lead to enhancements in your finances quickly or in unexpected ways. This aspect will last briefly, potentially leading to self-employment. Abundance and money flows easily to you when you do something you enjoy! Now is the time to turn things around and follow your passions. May is a good month for activities in the home or consider working from home. The full moon at the end of the month will shine a light on your interactions with other people. Meet your goals by putting your feelers out there for a potential partnership with someone!

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! A new beginning with new possibilities will arise for you this month.  Keep an open mind! On the 4th of May there will be a new moon in your sign, indicating a new YOU emerging. This provides you with a fresh outlook. Venus will play a role in your life, allowing more love and joyfulness. YAY! You will receive a lot of help from the planets during this month. Stand tall, be confident, don’t compare yourself to others, and you will feel the benefits. Take full advantage of all of the amazing energy!

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) BALANCE BETWEEN YOUR OUTER WORLD AND YOUR INNER LIFE! It is a time for stillness and self-reflection: take a moment for silence this May. This will be an opportunity for you to raise your vibration with the unseen energies available to you. Learn a new topic or explore metaphysical subjects. Peacefulness will be extremely important, empowering you in all areas of your life. Be sure not to get tangled up in the weeds. Venus will be in your 12th house, which could bring in a past relationship for much needed healing. Find the balance and peace within yourself.

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY  22) NEW OPPORTUNITY WITH RELATIONSHIPS! All types of relationships will be highlighted this month. Your 11th house focuses on: Making new friends, new lovers and new business partners. This will provide you with the opportunity to get together with others in co-creation and bring your ideas out in the world.  Make sure to exercise or get yourself moving to prevent a standstill. With Mars in your chart, you'll feel a boost of energy to support you. The full moon on the 18th will shine a light on creativity, playfulness, and laughter. Be sure to make it a fun month while reaching for your goals! 

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES! You may be asking yourself some very deep questions this month, specifically if there is another direction for you to go. Follow your passion to see where that will take you! Venus will assist you with this evaluation, giving you support with communication and visibility. Take a moment to see how you view people in your world, as connecting with people in new ways may bring success for you. Mars will give you the energy to follow your new pursuits with vigor, allowing you to release any old emotions holding you back. Be sure to have work-life balance this month! 

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) FINDING MEANING IN YOUR LIFE! You will have a strong desire to widen your perspective this month. Long distance trips or going abroad will feel attractive. On the 7th of May, you will have a boost in energy to take the trips you’re envisioning. You will find inspiration in going beyond the familiar to find the magic that has been missing. The energy of Mars will require you to express patience with others. The Sun and Mercury will help you bring uplifting and joyful energy to others. Your world will transform in a positive way this month!   

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) FOCUSED POWER!  This month you will have an opportunity to discover what has been previously blocking you. It’s time to shed your old self and emerge as a new, better version! Partnerships, romantic or otherwise, are highlighted this month. Venus will bring the opportunity to meet new people or create new relationships. You may find you have a forgotten talent that resurfaces. On the 27th of this month, public speaking, teaching, or learning something new will be brought into focus to further your spiritual growth.   

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! You will want to deepen your understanding of the what brings meaning into your life. The Sun, together with the planet of unexpected events, could bring a new relationship into your life or reinvigorate an existing one. In the middle of the month, Venus, the plant of love joins the party, highlighting what works and what doesn’t in the area of love. It will be an awakening time for you, realizing where there is room for growth. There will be an opportunity for peacefulness and harmony with your one-on-one interactions with people. By May 16th, you will feel the urge to travel, learn, or be creative in a more meaningful way.  

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21)  CONTRIBUTION & EXPANSION! It is time to review your daily regimens to ensure you are maintaining your health and well-being. Rejuvenation of your physical body will be a focus this month. Do not focus on limitations or blockages, but going beyond them to experience progress! Perhaps get a massage or go out into nature. Try new things that you find stimulating. In the area of work, be careful about the career choices and decisions that you make. Some Sags will quit their jobs, while others will consider it. Be mindful when leaving for greener pastures -- check your intuition and the facts.

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) USE YOUR HEART INSTEAD OF YOUR HEAD! Clarity of thought doesn’t always help when it comes to love. You may intellectually understand an emotionally charged situation on the 1st or 2nd, without finding that it brings you a lot of emotional relief. It’s a really good idea to work with your body this month. Go get a massage, or workout, or look into some Thai Chi. The more in touch you are with your physical self, the easier it will be to access the emotional truth that’s inside you. It could take time: just keep nurturing yourself until you see the change you wish to see! Don’t let anybody demand too much of your time. Capricorn, you need to put yourself first! On the 20th, you are positively raring to go.  

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) HOME, FAMILY, FUN! Buying or selling a home could be on the horizon for you this month. There is a strong need to make a change in your immediate environment to bring a liveliness back to your surroundings. Things regarding your roots and ancestry could come up this month. You may find yourself wanting to connect with family members to release pains of the past. It’s time to make space for something new to come in. Your creativity will be highlighted this month, giving you the opportunity to be entrepreneurial. Mars will push you to take action on your ideas.   

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) COMMUNICATION WILL BE KEY! This month will be important for you to get out and about. Take the time to connect with the people around you, maybe even get to know your neighbors. Spontaneous short trips will be exhilarating for you, and will enhance your creativity. There may be a legal matter or court case coming to a head and completing at this time. This is a wonderful month to connect to the playful side of you and bring out your inner child. Even the smallest of changes in your environment will have you feeling good! Expand your horizons by getting out of your comfort zone to manifest your heart’s desires.