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July Horoscopes & Video

July Horoscopes

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) TIME FOR TRANSFORMATION, GET TO IT! Be ready to express yourself this month. You will be inspired to be creative and in search of fun: physical movement, especially to music, or activities that get you moving. A troubled family situation could be resolved this month, bringing you inner peace. On the 8th of the month, you will have mercury in your fifth house, causing you to look at how much enjoyment you experience in your life. “What can I do to bring happiness back into my life?” This could lead you back to a creative project you left undone. Mid-month could bring about a change in your work space, pushing you to take a deeper look at making a career change.  

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) BREAKTHROUGH! Using your social circles this month can propel you forward. You have been working on your career for a long time! There is a good chance you will have a breakthrough this month in reaching your goal. On the fifth of the month, you will have the ability to concentrate and focus, use this time wisely! Anything hidden will come into the open. This is a great month for problem solving and creative solutions. Sharing information with the world and allowing others to benefit from your wisdom will be highlighted. Write down your thoughts and take time to inspire others. 

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) LEARN, STUDY, TEACH! Taking time to reassess how you use your mental energy will be important. This will give you an opportunity to redefine how you earn money and what you do with it. Venus will enter your money house, bringing good news you’re your finances. You may even treat yourself to something nice. A deeper perspective will be required this month to release things from the past, so that you can feel lighter and brighter. Any field of interest that you feel inspired to study would provide great insight into your potential future. This could bring about new beginnings in business partnerships or personal relationships. 

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY 22) MONEY IS THE HOT TOPIC! There is a large amount of activity in your money house: a new job, project, or business is possible. You could develop a new gift or find your creative niche. Venus will enter your sign this month, making it a good time to treat and pamper yourself. You will be popular this month socially, and you may even find love at this time.  Reflect on your relationship with money: how do you spend, save, or think about money? Your thoughts will dictate your situation. Relationships will be a focus this month as well, you may even get the answers you were looking for in your personal relationships. Important changes are on the horizon for you, especially releasing a behavior pattern that no longer serves you. 

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) YOU ARE THE STAR OF THE SHOW! This will be a highlight month for you, requiring a progress check with your goals. This will be the month to let go of the people and things that are no longer valuable to you. Finding time to get into the quiet still space will bring peace to your life. You may want to change how you view yourself or how you are showing up in the world. Taking the time to care for your body and health this month is crucial.  Venus, the planet of love and romance, will be in your sign. Love will be on the forefront of your mind, you may even visit an old lover. New beginnings are bursting onto the scene. Take the risk, step out more and shine your light!

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) DON’T RESIST CHANGE! Shortly before your birthday, it would be wise to look at your spiritual direction. What is going on in your subconscious that has been holding you back? Venus and the Sun in the 11th house will bring new friends, social activity and congenial networking opportunities. It’s time for completions, not starting new projects.  Evaluate your work schedule and ask your self “do I enjoy what I do?” Perhaps it’s time for change in your work life. Take time to step back from the world and go inside to visit your secret sanctuary.  Your intuition will guide you this month and it will lead you in the right direction.

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) PUSH THROUGH IT! You will feel driven to succeed, with a strong sense of purpose and initiative. With courage and fighting spirit, you can take on just about anything. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will help you make a good impression on people who can help you succeed. This is a good time to use your initiative and make real progress. Saturn in your chart can represent a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you, which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement. You will have to face this adversity with patience and persistence, and keep persevering so it doesn’t get the better of you.

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ADVENTURE AND EXPERIMENTATION! It is time to switch things up in your approach to life in general. There will be tremendous thrust and authority present in the universe for you. On the 4th of the month Venus moves into cancer making it a great time to book your travel. Broaden your horizons and soak up new cultures, sights and sounds. The way you think on a daily basis is being influenced by Pluto, giving you the power you need to get your point across. Your resistance will depend on your ability to let go and go with the flow. 

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) OPTIMISM! July brings inner calm, balance and harmony to your relationships. You will be more efficient and productive. Your plans should work out well, so this is a good time to promote yourself and your goals. Superiors will appreciate your positive attitude and initiative. The July 2nd solar eclipse is refreshingly optimistic, bringing good health, honor, and riches. It brings people together, so it’s ideal for enjoying good times with friends and especially your family. This eclipse helps you make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL!  A significant turning point can come upon you this month. A renewal of love for a person, place or thing could happen this month bringing you joy. You will want to dig or delve to the bottom of something to find the answers you have been searching for.  A very exciting new project or business partnership could develop at this time. Profits, growth, and accomplishments will be your focus. This isn’t the time to be reclusive, get out and socialize! Your finances may need to be reassessed; however, it is not the time to sign contracts or make commitments. The lunar eclipse in your sign this month provides an opportunity to look at the structure of your life so that your needs are being met. Be yourself and put yourself first. Self-Love, Self-Care!

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) PUT IN A GOOD WORD! This month, a friend or coworker may put in a good word for you to get a new job. Be gentle with yourself this month!  Enjoy your physical body with Venus in your house of health and daily schedules. Perhaps even get a massage, reflexology, or other relaxing activities. Mercury will hit your 7th house this month, delaying important contracts or partnerships. It is a time to complete something that has already begun. A project you began in January may come to a close at this time. Your routines and time will be reassessed this month and restructured. You may realize you need to lighten the load a bit. 

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES! Your surroundings are in need of an update this month. It is time to change either your work environment or even you home space. There may be some good news related to children, or a time to get back to your childlike self. It’s a great time to bring humor into your life or spend time entertaining yourself.  What changes would you like to make to your social life? Groups or networking circles may need to be reorganized. You don’t have to loose these relationships, just look to the ones you would like to deepen. You may travel for work this month.   


Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.