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January 2019 Horoscopes

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JANUARY HOROSCOPES: Enjoy + Share with your friends and family! When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is present for us. Click the button below to book your private session to go over all of 2019 has in store for you!

ARIES (March 21-April 20): GO FOR IT! January will begin with a bang for you. You will have a lot of raw energy to work with to achieve your goals. Mars will enter Aries, your home sign, which will create focus, determination and drive to accomplish your goals. Your work area will be a highlighted in the form of learning something new or teaching others what you know. Jupiter will activate your skill sets to support you with your projects. January 3, 8 and 23 you could experience challenges in communication, and minor speed bumps, so be aware and proceed with caution.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): CONNECT WITH OTHERS! Taurus natives will embrace adventure with a strong will and an unmatched ambition in January. It can be a time to reconnect with friends you have not seen in a while. Jupiter will be aspecting your relationships with others and resources. This is a great time for building a clientele. Around January 20, several planets will be kissing the sign of Capricorn and it will be beneficial for the Taurus energies. Both the Sun and Mercury will be in a square aspect to your sign, which may cause tension or squabbles, so be gentle with your communications. It is a good month to buy electronics or a car.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21): COLLABORATE AND DELEGATE! Relationships in your life will experience the expansive energy of Jupiter in January. This is a great time to delegate, collaborate and partner with others – however, it will take work and discipline to carry this out with Saturn affecting the area of relationships for you this month. The good news? Saturn will provide the energy for you to focus and get it done. Take care when driving, using machinery and electronics at this time. The second house of finances will be highlighted for you this month, providing endings and new beginnings with your resources or income.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): GO WITH THE FLOW! January will be a clean slate for Cancers. Wide open new starts and radical new chapters can begin for you. With new starts can come dramatic endings, so go with the flow. The full moon and eclipse season will affect you strongly with the moon ruling your sign. A strong Capricorn energy opposing your sign will cause a need for work life balance or you will experience over-exhaustion. Your physical body and image will be a highlighted area bringing your attention to your own self worth. Beware of taking risks on January 13.

LEO (July 23-August 22): INNER WORK AND BREAKTHROUGHS! This is the month of facing your fears and gaining triumph. Your focus will be on the area of deep inner work which may require support from others, and my require extra rest. The Sun placement at this time will support you in getting organized and back on track. Create new systems and regimes to bring about a healthy lifestyle and successful work routine. The nodial energies in your chart will create the feeling of breaking free, resulting in a mental and spiritual breakthrough. Be mindful of your mental health. It is a great time to get a pet, and making new friends.

VIRGO (August 23-September 23): LOVE IS IN THE AIR! The Sun will be warming up the area of creative projects, new ideas and children. This energy will be smooth and down to business, and it will support you in getting your new projects under way. In the area of love, the chance for meeting new people and romance are high this month. If you are already in a relationship, making time for creative and fun activities will enhance your partnership. There could be some drama this month with your friends, coworkers or acquaintances. This is a time to get extra rest, take your supplements and keep stress low.

LIBRA (September 24-October 23): TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! Surprising endings and magical beginnings will be the theme for you in January. With the Sun in the fourth house there will be a focus on home, family, and real estate. Use this energy to clean house and restructure your foundation. The power of Jupiter will be in your favor, accentuating the area of finance at the beginning of the month -- bringing extra money to you. Then, the lunar eclipse on January 21 will add attention to your place out in the world. This could bring about a change at work through a new job or career.

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22): WORK, EARN AND SHARE! Your second house, the area of value and finances, will be positively aspected in the beginning of the month. It will be a time to earn more money, expand your worth, and experience some relief from financial pressure. This will not be manifested without hard work on your part. By mid-January, the focus will shift to the area of communication, siblings, and mobility. You will feel compelled to do things for the greater good that allow you to follow your true passions. This may even include going international with your ideas.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21): LUCK IS ON YOUR SIDE! It’s time to get back to business! There will be a need for grounded energy at the start of the new year. Things you started with great excitement and enthusiasm will need consistent hard work to pull through. It is an excellent time for writing, editing, traveling, and moving around. You may get restless at this time and consider moving. Towards the end of the month, there will be a lot of energy around who you are in the world. Consider changing your image, redefining your self, and your physical health. On a positive note, it may be time to buy a lottery ticket. Luck is on your side!

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20): SELF CARE AND MASTERY! Happy Birthday… The spotlight will be on you with the first eclipse of the year in your sign. There will also be several planets in Capricorn strengthening your presence this month. This may feel overwhelming at times, so take a step back and take one day at a time. Pay attention to your body this month, as it is the messenger of the universe. This month will be all about strategy and self mastery. Set your intention for what you want to manifest in 2019. Progress not perfection are key for you at this time -- Just get your projects on the way!

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19): TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS! Your third house will be lit up this month. You have full access in the area of communication, writing and education. You have done a fair amount of cleaning house in 2018 and now it is time for a spiritual awakening, creativity and new beginnings. On January 6, you will have help form Uranus in bringing in new people, new thoughts and ideas. This will be a very social month for you and a time to network. Towards the end of the month there may be changes to your relationships or a start to a new romantic relationship.

PISCES (February 20-March 20): FRESH START AND HEALTHY BOUNDARIES! This is a very important month to set the tone for this upcoming year. It will be a fresh start for you and an opportunity to redefine what feels safe and healthy. It is a good idea to create boundaries for your self and others. This will set you up for success. There will be a fifth house influence, forcing you to address addictions and overindulgence. This could change your social circles, propelling you into a group of like minded people. Venus and Jupiter will be joining each other in your career house in January. This will support you in finding what you love in the world and creating a career doing it.