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Your February Horoscope

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It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!


ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 20)BE PATIENT  Are you enjoying your career? This month you will be looking to add more joy into your daily life, bringing positive reactions from the people you come in contact with this month.  Your intuition will be intense this month guiding you to build your dreams.  You will have Mars on your side supporting you to move forward on your ideas.  This will be a powerful month for shining a light on your work life, allowing you to push the envelope in a positive way.  Balance between "being" and "doing" will be key for you to accomplish your goals.  

TAURUS (APRIL 21-MAY 20): FIND YOUR CENTER  This will be an important month for you to be centered and focused.  The opportunity to travel and go abroad will be exciting for you. You may even engage with someone from overseas or begin an international business arrangement.  This is a powerful time for spiritual growth, and it could lead to putting something in writing.  You will do things in a different way than you have done them before.  Mars enters your sign this month giving you a power charge to take action financially, physically and in relationships.  Visibility and leadership will be particularly strong for you with your tenth house of career being spotlighted.  

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 21):  CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE February is the time of planning and changes. It may be time to part with your job and look for a new opportunity that suits you and your ideas. How do you know? If you feel that your job and your potential are wasted, it's time for a change. Small and temporary problems at home will arise, but a quick, calm conversation and an explanation of what's going on should do the trick.  Travel, educational pursuits, writing and publishing are all highlighted, with a special emphasis on creative ventures in these areas. Be open to new ideas and the unfamiliar.  

CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22):  QUIET BEFORE THE STORM For this month, it would be good to take a little more leisurely pace, allowing time to yourself in nature to recharge your battery.  Gain a sense of peacefulness before an exciting month of March begins.  You will feel the new moon energies at the beginning of the month February.  It's a great time to begin a new business partnership or bring about new ideas, as this could help you find more meaning in your life.  The energy is encouraging you to look for deeper meanings and appreciation.  In February, Venus will highlighted in your chart bringing harmony into your life.  The potential for love is also available to you at this time. 

LEO ( JULY 23 - AUG 22):  THINGS ARE HEATING UP  At the beginning of the month Mars will motivate you into movement.  With this intense energy there may be a power struggle.  This will require you to make a shift to benefit from this energy.  The good news is Venus will assist you in this area, bringing sweetness and calm to this fiery energy.  This is a great month for meeting someone new.  Your chances for meeting interesting, original, and dynamic people are particularly high during the first half of the month... Just in time for Valentine’s Day. The end of the month will be a little more stressful and possess an energy that will be a little more difficult to manage. Remember to breathe and try to stay in the present moment! 

VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEPT 22):  REEVALUATIONS  This will be a very revealing month for you right from the start!  Mars in Aries is taking on and squaring Pluto in Capricorn, which brings an interesting shake up.  It will be focused in the area of your fifth house pertaining to children, self expression, and creativity.  This square will put you under pressure, forcing you to take actions and make a decision. This influence could bring a new job and a fresh start.  At the end of the month, Venus will meet up with Pluto, causing you to get serious and be an adult.  It could be a time of lower energy, so get plenty of rest and self-care.

LIBRA (SEPT 23 - OCT 22): FIND BALANCE There have been many changes to your stability, home, family and environment starting at the beginning of the year.  Venus will move in to the fourth house providing you an opportunity to achieve harmony into the area of the home and with family members. Venus will encourage you to bring more beauty into your home as well as heightening your creativity.  Mid month, Mars will be in your relationship house which is a good time to take action, and it might bring about a new business partnership or negotiating a business deal.  You will get a boost in your overall well-being and energy when the sun moves into the sixth house towards the end of the month.  

SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 22): YOU CHOOSE This month will reveal that you need to choose those things that make you happy and comfortable.  No one should dictate your choices because you are an independent thinker. The choices you make will enable you to grow and expand your career development to another level.  People will envy you for your choices.  This month your love life will be exciting due to the aspects of Neptune and Venus.  Coupled or not you will enjoy the romance that flows to you in February.  If you are single, you will be able to find love easily in places of work and social gatherings. 

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 22) HIGH ENERGY Venus is still in your sign, making it a great time for growth while stretching beyond your comfort zone.  It will enter your house of finances at the beginning of the month.  This will bring money and opportunity.  Mercury will join Neptune in the fourth house, providing the perfect time to work from home, spend time with family members and feeling compassion toward others.  Your creative energies will be in high force allowing the potential to start your own business. You will have the energy necessary for  a new exercise or diet program, if you choose.   

CAPRICORN (DEC 23 - JAN 22) POWER STRUGGLES There's plenty of action happening in your sign right now! This will be a busy month for you and all about evaluating your life before the month of March hits.  You will have Mars and Pluto squaring each other causing friction. This can come from an internal place, causing movement within your emotions. This planet placement will force you take action to get out from underneath a situation. Venus in your chart will add a flavor of diplomacy to assist you with this struggle.  She will also present the opportunity to meet new people that enhance your financial standing.  

AQUARIUS (JAN 23 - FEB 22) SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE Start this month off with wrapping up any contracts or deals that need to be concluded.  It's time to bring peace into your space, taking the time to get a massage or be out in nature.  Venus could potentially bring back a previous love or connection that was lost.  On the 11th of the month you could receive unexpected funds.  This is a time for trusting and relaxing into the idea that your needs will be taken care of by the universe.  Mars will enable you to get things done quickly and efficiently.  Use this extra boost of energy to go out with your family or exercise a bit.  The full moon on the 19th will shine a light on anything having to do with other people's money. A new business partnership can develop.  

PISCES (FEB 23 - MARCH 22) GO DEEP THIS MONTH The planetary alignment offers a chance to get to know yourself more deeply and find that all-important emotional harmony. You can completely abandon yourself to the goals that you have decided to work on, or you can start to pull it all apart through worrying and over-analyzing the details. Be mindful about your inner dialog. Look forward to pleasant news about your personal life. This is a great time for any kind of travel. Although you experience success in life, it is good to make real assessment of the situations you are in. Do not allow yourself to be constrained and do not run contradictions to your own principles.