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Best Time to Meditate, According to 12 Experts


Meditation isn’t just for relaxing. Research has shown that it has a lot of health benefits.

So, when is the best time to meditate? We asked experts to share their insights.

Psychologist | Author, Repose: The Potent Pause | Consciousness Researcher, University of Arizona

The best time to meditate is in the mid-afternoon

My research has shown that a seven-minute Repose session has a number of benefits, including stress reduction; increased happiness, optimism, and resilience levels; and enhanced memory, attention, and mental acuity.

One of the optimal times for Repose is in the mid-afternoon, between 2 and 3:30 pm. This time period corresponds to a natural lull in our daily arousal levels, which advertisers have referred to as “that 2:30 feeling.” It is also the reason that so many cultures have a rest period or pause immediately following lunch.

For the past five years, I have been encouraging employers to give their staff a seven-minute Repose break in the afternoon. This would increase productivity and elevate morale at relatively little cost to the employer.

Meditation Speaker | Author, Meditation Illuminated: Simple Ways to Manage Your Busy Mind

The best time to meditate is when you are most likely to practice!

Like learning any skill, meditation takes repeated practice, so it’s important to meditate when you are most likely to fit it into your schedule.

People get the greatest benefit when they can make practicing meditation a habit and for most folks, this means practicing at the same time every day.

Even if you don’t have much time to meditate on any given day, you’re better off practicing for 2 or 3 minutes than not practicing at all. Often people find that associating meditation practice with something they do regularly helps create a meditation habit. Get up. Brush teeth. Meditate.

Many people find that meditating first thing in the morning works well before they get busy with the activities of the day. But, since people’s schedules and preferences are so varied, it’s most important to find a time to meditate that works for you!

TEDx Speaker | Wellness Lifestyle Expert |
Vibrational Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness

There is no best time to meditate

There are, however, different outcomes to meditating at different times of day or night. The most important things ins not when you meditate, but in having a consistent daily routine of meditation.

It’s the daily consistency which helps to rewire the brain and promote the many positive benefits that meditation can cause.

Meditating in the morning is a great way to set the stage for your day, focus on positivity, goals and to have the motivation necessary to succeed.

Meditating at night is a great way to slough off the mental chatter and debris accumulated throughout the day. It can promote better sleep, deeper relaxation, and really take advantage of meditations ability to neutralize the external stimuli we face on a daily basis.

It’s like brushing your teeth after a meal vs before: both are good for health and have different benefits.

Todd Denen

Todd Denen

Founder, Advanced Flow University | Author, Meditation Secrets Revealed: Get OFF The Damn Ground!

The best time to meditate is in the morning or at night

The morning is usually very suitable because your home and neighborhood are typically still quiet between the times of 5 AM to 6 AM. Metaphysically, this time is also very suitable because the rays and vibrations of the dawn are vitalizing and spiritually uplifting for the Meditator.

At night, try to practice your Meditations around 10 PM to 12 PM – if you can. When everybody is asleep and quiet in the mornings and evenings, you are able to maximize your Meditation efforts.

After eight weeks, Meditation caused thickening of the brain areas which control Learning, Cognition, Memory regulation, and Production of Neurotransmitters. – Sara Lazar Ph.D., Neuroscientist Harvard Medical School

The #1 enemy to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is lack of meditation. By the Law of Neuroplasticity, regular meditation creates a mental blueprint which causes the formation of subtle electrical pathways in the brain. – Medical Expert Yogananda

Meditation experts all agree that it is far more important to consistently meditate during the times that work for you than to skip meditating based on specific times of the day which are more beneficial.

Remember, being consistent will always be the best time to meditate!

Dallisa Hocking

Dallisa Hocking

CEO, Spirit & Spark™ | 5th Generation Psychic Medium | Transformation & Manifestation Expert

The best time to meditate is the time when it feels right for you

Although I would typically recommend that you meditate first thing in the morning or at dusk, it’s important that you don’t overthink it and choose a time that feels right for you.

I find that with many of my clients and students, if they think they are meditating incorrectly, they avoid it altogether or they rarely engage in meditation.

I advise that you select a consistent time for yourself each day and add it to your calendar.

Close your eyes and allow for at least 5-minutes of focused breathing. You can set a timer on your phone or use an app like Calm or Insight Timer. A few minutes each day can make a huge difference in your overall wellbeing.

Gabrielle Desmarais, NTP

Gabrielle Desmarais, NTP

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner | Founder, Forevergreen All-Natural Care & Healing, LLC

Depending on what you would like to accomplish, there are a couple of times during the day that tends to be optimal for meditation.

The best time to meditate is in the morning

Your mind is fresh, you haven’t been bogged down with decisions and other minor problems that seem to litter our daily lives. Morning time is the perfect opportunity to set the tone for your day.

In taking the time to meditate in the morning, you set the precedent of peace and calm throughout your entire day. This is my personal preferred method.

Do you notice the difference between meditating or not in the morning? Personally, I absolutely do.

When I don’t meditate in the morning, I find myself far more stressed out and prone to be triggered by minor annoyances that I wouldn’t give a second thought to otherwise. Morning meditations provide me a sense of calm and serenity that stays with me all day long.

Another excellent choice is to meditate before bed

This is an especially good choice if you have trouble sleeping or are prone to anxiety. Meditation before bed allows you to release all the stresses you have accumulated throughout the day, leaving your body relaxed and prepared for a good night’s rest. You’ll likely find you get much more restorative sleep and may even wake up fewer times throughout the night!

All things considered, however, the best time to meditate is the time you will meditate.

Meditating in your car right before work or meditating in the bathroom on your lunch break is better than no meditation at all. Whatever time works best for you is the best time.

Adina Mahalli

Adina Mahalli

Certified Mental Health Consultant, Enlightened Reality | Relationship Expert, Maple Holistics

The best time to meditate depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your meditation session

If your intent is to center your mind and become more relaxed, then the morning is ideal.

It will help you center your mind and have a more fulfilling day. Morning is ideal because you will not have the actions of the day distracting you.

If you meditate to try and grasp a better understanding of yourself and your actions then nightly meditation is ideal.

Meditating after a day of actions and interactions to reflect on can assist in gaining a deeper understanding of your subconscious and decision making processes.

Katie Ziskind, LMFT

Katie Ziskind, LMFT

Owner, Wisdom Within Counseling

The best time to meditate is when you make time

Often times, people don’t meditate because they don’t make time for it. See where within your day you can make time, such as staying 10 extra minutes at work and doing meditation. Or, you could wake up first thing in the morning and do a 15 minute guided meditation off YouTube.

The most important thing about meditation is to have a consistent regular and routine of practice.

Just like you would go to a yoga class at 6 PM every Monday night, make a point to schedule meditation on a daily basis for a routine that provides serenity and relaxation in your mind, body, and spirit.

Meditation is a practice that can be started very gradually such as five or 10 minutes at once. I do not recommend starting meditation in silence unless you have a guide.

I recommend short 5 to 10 minute guided meditations on YouTube if you are just beginning. Also, read some books on Buddhism or Taoism.

When you begin meditating, you may meet different difficult emotions that you haven’t faced for a while. It can be helpful to have a meditation guide or a yoga therapist to work with as you begin your meditation journey.

Jenna Palumbo, LCPC

Jenna Palumbo, LCPC

Mental Health Therapist | Owner, Evergreen Therapy

I encourage all of my clients to meditate or use mindfulness in some way. Ideally, I suggest them to meditate first thing in the morning or just before bed. When we start getting into our day, it can be harder to meditate because we’re in such a “doing” mode.

That doesn’t mean that it’s not good to meditate at 3 pm right before your kids get home from school, but it’s likely that it will be more of a struggle to quiet your mind.

I recommend blocking out time first thing in the morning or before bed for meditations over five minutes.

If you don’t have time for that try to build in moments of mindfulness into your routine, which has similar benefits. You can do this by focusing on the sensations you feel while brushing your teeth, rather than mentally making a to-do list for the remainder of your morning, or mindfully eating a snack in the afternoon.

Focusing on your sensations and the actions your doing gives your mind a place to anchor.

Jesal Trivedi

Jesal Trivedi

Founder, Aduri

The best time to meditate is in the morning

There are two main reasons why I believe this:

Organic ‘present’ state

Mornings provide a natural separation between yesterday’s events that have happened and the events that will occur later today. Your mind is in a clearer and fresher state, ready to be receptive to the energies that you can feed to it.

Set tone & intention

Your routine first thing in the morning sets the tone for the entire day. Understanding the residue of thoughts you’re bringing into your day from the previous day allows you to set the proper intention for the day ahead.

Setting this tone earlier in the day will help provide the foundation in which you can conduct how you communicate, interact and respond throughout the day.

Valerie Lobas

Valerie Lobas

Founder, Thoughtful Neighbor

The first thing in the morning is the best time to meditate

This is the time of day when I am least likely to get interrupted because my kids are either still sleeping or they are busy getting themselves ready for the day.

I’ve been practicing meditation regularly in the mornings for the past year, so when my kids do come into my room and see me meditating, they now know not to interrupt me.

They will often sit down next to me and take some deep breaths or wait patiently until I’m done. I love that my meditation practice is rubbing off on them.

Everyone, including the busiest parents, can find 5-10 minutes in their daily routine to calm their minds and focus their thoughts. Once you’ve prioritized meditating and get into a consistent routine, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner!

Nita Sweeney

Nita Sweeney

Coach | Runner |
Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back From the Brink

The best time to meditate is now

When someone first attempts to meditate, finding a quiet space and a time without interruption is helpful. The focus and concentration that support meditation are skills. Learning those in a protected environment facilitates the process.

But once someone has the basic idea and has developed the necessary concentration, the best time to meditate is whenever a person can do it! There is no perfect time!

In the car? Feel hands on the wheel. Sense eyes on the road. Notice button the car seat. Family argument? What a perfect time to observe the thoughts and sensations that arise from anger or frustration!

Waiting in the grocery line? What a fabulous opportunity to be curious about what constitutes boredom! What does boredom feel like? Where does the person feel it in her body? What thoughts arise as she stands and waits?

Waiting for the perfect time to meditate is a trap. Instead, seize every opportunity!

September Astrology Video & Horoscopes


ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) Diving into the Dream! Your house of dreaming and the subconscious will be heavily affected this month. Aries spends so much time in the physical realm that now is a great opportunity for the rambunctious ram to take it easy and contemplate what is truly important to them. Are you living the dream? Are you close? Take time this month to catch up on restful sleep that you may have been neglecting this summer! The harvest season is upon us and we cannot reap what we have sewn if we are exhausted already! There is big dreaming energy present for you this month with the full Moon joining retrograding Neptune in Pisces. It is also a time for reviewing life desires and reorganizing priorities to match your goals and intentions. With the Virgo stellium opposing Neptune and the full moon in Pisces it’s fantasy vs. reality. Virgo is all about transitions and cleaning out the old so the new may function more efficiently. Take care of yourself dear Aries, rest and rehabilitation are singing you sweet Neptunian lullabies this month. 

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) Inspiring the Masses! Are you the inspiration your friends need in order to believe in themselves again? Are you leading an inspiring life? What do you need in order to feel fulfilled? These are the important questions you should be asking yourselves this month as Uranus, the planet of rapid change and freedom is in retrogradation in YOUR sign of Taurus! Uranus has been in conjunction with your natal sun sign for quite a while and this energy is calling you to revalue your role in society. With the Full Moon in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces this month, produce some original content and try distributing meaningful and worthwhile intentions, wishes and relationships. These things will be the most fulfilling to you during this time. Express yourself, get out there and be an example for those who are looking to you for guidance. You are helping usher in the new age by awakening those who are still asleep!

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) Structuring the Path! The full moon will be heavily impacting your house of career and legacy. Are you content in the position you have? Or have your been wishing for bigger, brighter and better ventures? This month is a great opportunity for you to put those thoughts into action! You are feeling more put together now then you have before and the energy of this full moon can help you cultivate your dreams into becoming a reality. You may be wanting to make a major change in professions after working somewhere that has not served you in awhile. Continue making steps in the right direction by allowing the Virgo stellium energy to weed out the people and situations that are hindering you from progress! 

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY 22) Messages From On High! This month is a great time for you to be making wishes of foreign destinations! Where have you always wanted to go? Spontaneous surprises may be coming your way as gifts from the ninth house are illuminated by Neptune retrograding through your house of higher mind and education, foreign travel and spiritual pursuits. Take this time to meditate on insight for where in the world you are being called to. This is a very transitional time for you with all of the mutable energy fluctuating around. Endings and beginnings mask themselves as blessings in disguise this month with the opposing energy from the Virgo stellium and retrograding Neptune in Pisces. If you can picture yourself experiencing joy at the destination, wait for signs in your external reality as confirmation!

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) Pure Imagination! Themes of healing the inner child with the power of imagination is the Lions theme this month. Getting back to the boundaries of a childlike environment are being called into place by your deepest hopes and dreams. The full moon will be in your house of death, rebirth and transformations so the following weeks will be an excellent time to take a step back from the serious tones of life and illuminate the night with stars of pure imagination! Can you picture yourself with the willpower of a child to take on the dark and scary themes of life? Imagine the life that you want and then create the space for the willpower to do so! Transformation is a deep and heavy process, the butterfly must turn to complete and utter goo before becoming the magnificent butterfly. So, if some of those processes leave you tired and wrapped up in blankets, that is perfectly fine for this month!

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) Scribe of the Goddess! Holy smokes, Virgo! Look at all the energy you have this month in order to accomplish your goals! It’s time to super-sort life into the grand masterpiece you have always known you were capable of accomplishing! Virgos are the amazing little worker bees of the universe and they get shit done! This month you are boosted by conjoining Mercury, Mars and Sun in Virgo with an additional New Moon in Virgo at the end of the Month! Cultivate those life goal blueprints in your mind, communicate them to your partner, closest friends and family members to ensure there is no resistance from the opposing Neptune and full moon in Pisces. Then move forward, take action on it and then my dear muse, shine on! The harvest season is upon us and you have planted many seeds this year, now it is time to collect what is YOURS!

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Fantasy vs. Reality! This month is a great time for you to reassess your short and long term goals. What do you want to be doing in your daily life? What routines are no longer serving you and how can they be replaced or re-balanced? Take time this month to really ask yourself if what you are doing is serving others, yourself and humanity as a whole! You are on a path to self-discovery and uncovering hidden parts of yourself or even hidden desires may come up in the following week. Use the natural discernment that you have been gifted with and wade through the illusions of retrograding Neptune in Pisces so that the energy of the Full Moon can manifest bigger and brighter things for your future! 

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) Creation Station! Have you been trying to get yourself out there and have more fun? Have you been expressing your creative and childlike self? If the answer is no, the following weeks are the time to start! If the answer is YES, then more, more and more is coming your way! Recreational ideas and ventures involving children and fun activities are highlighted for you this month. The maternal moon will be transiting through the sign of Pisces in your house of children and creation! Maybe ideas of becoming a parent are in sight, or, creation doesn’t have to just be the making of a baby! It could be the gestation of a new project or event. Either way, make sure it is something that fills your heart with joy and elation. This month’s theme for you is choosing joy, choosing what you love and projecting that love and joy for humanity to take in as an example! 

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Structure through Discipline! This month’s opposition will be affecting you internally, dear Archer. Themes of creating a sacred space to rejuvenate and call home are calling out to you. If you do not feel safe and secure where you are then it is not home, and that includes your career. It may be time to reorganize your home life so that it matches your goals and aspirations for the future, our homes are representative of our thinking space, so if our homes are cluttered then so is our mind. Take time to clean and address any messes that come up both physically and mentally, do a bit of fall cleaning as this transitional period takes place. You’ll find much peace and emotional solace when you do. 

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 21) Winter is Coming! The Archer is lending you his bow and arrow this month as you aim for the next mountain top. Keeping the big picture in mind is necessary in the following weeks as expansion and networking in local communities may be a common theme for you. Get out there, make yourself known as opportunities are on the horizon! As summer wanes and autumn is ushered in, remember your time is coming and you are on your way, just do not get overwhelmed by everything at once. IF these feelings arise, simply listen to your gut intuition! Is your body telling you yes? Not now? Or hard pass? You know yourself better than anyone; so, find a spot in nature, quiet your mind and speak with your inner authority, for they know the truth and the way.

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 22 - FEBRUARY 18) Called Out in the Dark! Lately you may have been feeling weighed down by things, people and situations that may be petty, or hold no true value to you. If this is the case it is time for a deep, resounding change to occur from the inside out. Reanalyze those self-sabotaging tendencies and reach for the light by calling yourself out on your shit! A little self awareness can go a long way for you, dear Water Bearer! Your experience is sometimes from the outside in, and this month is your opportunity to do quite the opposite! Start from the inside out this time, and watch the beauty that is you unfold. Teach people how to treat you by showing them the true value of your self-worth! By doing this you are naturally and effectively teaching your partner, pears, family and friends the same lesson without having to say a word!

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) I Got You, Baby! Neptune is playing your favorite tunes this month, little fish! Love and romance are in the air as the Virgo stellium enters your house of love, marriage and justice. Use this energy to manifest that Prince or Princess Charming into your life and daily routine! This is also a transitional time for your image! Have you been wanting to try a look that you haven’t quite had the confidence to pull off? You are having a lunar reset this month with the Full Moon in Pisces. Take time away from indulgences to see what the important factors to be focused on truly are! By taking care of yourself and aligning with what you want and need you naturally attract the partner of equal stature! If you are in an already established relationship, maintenance on said partnership may be the theme. Going about and experiencing joy in the little things like running errands together or going to the grocery store! Fall in love with yourself all over again and in turn, your partner, loved ones and life all together!


As a self taught Astrologer with five years of experience, Jasmine has developed an ecclectic way of reading natal charts. Her love of symbolism combined with her poetic understanding of the signs has given her an acute ability to speak the language of the stars. Using her intuitive methods, she dives right into the darkness in order to transmute and release it into the light. This returns negativity to divine neutrality. Transmuters work on behalf of the collective consciousness and all humanity by transmuting past karma and trauma in order to move forward. Jasmine can release, dissolve, heal and help ancestral line bondages by vibrationally leveling you up with her intuitive connection to the Akashic records. As an interdimensional guide and wayshower of the New Earth, she can assist you in accessing your psychic abilities, galactic origin, and life purpose! If you are ready to rediscover who you truly are, Jasmine is waiting and willing to navigate you through the wild unknown.


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August Horoscopes & Video

August Horoscopes

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) SIGN AWAY! It is time to get your projects started this month, Aries.  If you have been holding off on signing on the dotted line, this is the month to do it. On the 12th, you will have Mercury in your fifth house promoting sports activities, design work, or artistic adventurers. Enjoy yourself this month, and see the funny side of situations. Friendships and social circles will experience change! It could be a time to let friends drop away and take some alone time. Take up a new workout routine or pamper yourself. Your career will experience a boost this month, supporting your need for growth. 

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) HOME, FAMILY, SECURITY! Your home will be the highlight this month. With several powerful planets in your fourth house, you could decide to redecorate, move or reorganize your home. The home can also represent a time for family talks and bringing balance to your family relationships. A change in career could be presented to you this month.  The foundations of your life will all be up for review — don’t allow yourself to get in a rut.  Take time every day to make the necessary changes to ensure a bright future. Regardless of the changes you have coming, take time to have fun. Enjoy the ride, Taurus!

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) WHISPER, DON’T SCREAM! Your conversations will be easy this month: you will feel very clear about what you have to say. Use your words wisely and calmly, Gemini. Sharing information will be fruitful for you. Plan to start a new course of study or take on a new learning opportunity. Learning this month will be easy for you, promoting your natural skills and getting your name out there. The full moon this month will shine a light on your spiritual direction. What gives you meaning in your life?  Have you learned the lessons the universe has presented to you?  Focus in on what is truly important to you in August. 

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY 22) WHAT ARE YOUR TRUE GIFTS AND TALENTS? The first half of the month, Mercury will be in your sign: it will be a great month to get your thoughts together. Rather than withdrawing this month, Cancer, express yourself fully! All that is hidden will be revealed to you at this time. This will be the month to allow things of the past to be released. A new beginning financially will be possible, with a little bit of effort on your part. You may discover a new talent or skill that turns into a money making idea. It will be important for you to get yourself into a state of maximum energy. You are going to need it!

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You will shine this month, because it’s all about you in August, Leo! You can gain a great deal without any obstacles. There is no one like you, so don’t compare yourself to others! Your mind will be very active this month; be sure to use your intuition.  Do not let logic trump your feelings, causing missteps.  A new potential partnership, either romantic or in business, will present itself to you. You will have excellent power in negotiations this month, take advantage of it! Stay focused on your goals and allow others to support you in reaching them. 

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) BE CALM, DON’T STRESS! There has been an accumulation of triggers this month that need to be released.  It is a wonderful time to spend time alone, quiet and pensive. It would be wise to journal or write down your thoughts, allowing for freedom of expression. This month will have a lot more to do with being rather than doing, Virgo. The Full moon in your sixth house will require attention to your health regimen, your schedule, your diet, or work load. You will have the power of Venus on your side, bringing romance and new connections. You have the power of manifestation when you release all your worries and go with the flow. It’s all about what you want to attract and draw into your life!

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) NETWORK AND BE SOCIAL! This would be a great month to join a likeminded group, or even start your own, as August is a great time for teaming up with others. This month you’re encouraged to get physical and gett out of your head.  Go out and have fun with friends or get physical exercise, Libra. Surrender your stresses to a higher power than yourself. There is an opportunity to let go of past worries and set yourself free! During the last couple weeks of the month, take time to yourself and reflect on what truly makes you happy. Give yourself permission to relax. 

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) GIVE SOME THOUGHT TO YOUR DESTINY! Your career space will be highlighted this month, Scorpio. It is a good time to speak out, reach out or put energy into changing your current work environment. The planet Venus brings the potential to meet someone through work or a spontaneous encounter. Consciousness and awareness will be productive for you at this time. Bring awareness to your surroundings and decide if a move would be appropriate. You will have the support of others at this time to make the necessary changes. It’s time to go for all the new beginnings you have been considering for a while.

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) BECOME THE EXPERT! Take this time to study a subject you have been thinking about for a while. You could become an expert at this time in your chosen field with the August energy backing you up. Jupiter is still in your sign, giving you the energy to keep expanding and growing in true, optimistic Sagittarius style. You will feel a pull to keep learning to manage your thoughts and feelings. It will be a time to speak out and shine your light, bringing full attention to yourself. It will be a busy month forcing you to juggle many things, but you will have the energy to accomplish a lot. Stretch beyond your comfort zone!

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) BRING IT TO THE SURFACE! This will be a month of truths and discovery. Anything that was unclear to you will become clear, a secret may even come out at this time. You will use your curiosity for high learning to your advantage. Writing and expressing yourself will help you feel lighter in August. There is a potential to partner up with someone new in your career space.  Mars will stimulate the idea of taking a trip our traveling out of the country. You could even fall in love with someone of a different culture, Capricorn! You will feel warmth and love at a deep soul level, enjoy it. 

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) A VISIT FROM THE PAST! Your relationship space will be a focus this month. You could potentially revisit a love from the past or renew an existing relationship. It will be important to speak your truth and iron out miscommunications in your existing relationships. August inspires an energy to get out and about to network to support meeting people. You could draw new friends or a soul mate type of connection that you really feel you resonate with on many levels. This is a good month to change your appearance or change how you present yourself to the world. It is an opportunity to end old behaviors, and create new ones. Congratulations on the new you, Aquarius!

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22)BE IN SERVICE TO OTHERS! Good news is on the way in August, Pisces!  It will be a time of growth and prosperity in your work space.  If you are looking for a job, it would be a good time to refine your resume and get it out there. Release, let go, and surrender anything that has not been moving in your life. Your relationship space will be full of activity at this time.  If you would like to meet someone special, you will have to be proactive, it will not fall in your lap. The sun in your seventh house will inspire you to give to others, just remember to take care of yourself as well. 


Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

July Horoscopes & Video

July Horoscopes

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) TIME FOR TRANSFORMATION, GET TO IT! Be ready to express yourself this month. You will be inspired to be creative and in search of fun: physical movement, especially to music, or activities that get you moving. A troubled family situation could be resolved this month, bringing you inner peace. On the 8th of the month, you will have mercury in your fifth house, causing you to look at how much enjoyment you experience in your life. “What can I do to bring happiness back into my life?” This could lead you back to a creative project you left undone. Mid-month could bring about a change in your work space, pushing you to take a deeper look at making a career change.  

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) BREAKTHROUGH! Using your social circles this month can propel you forward. You have been working on your career for a long time! There is a good chance you will have a breakthrough this month in reaching your goal. On the fifth of the month, you will have the ability to concentrate and focus, use this time wisely! Anything hidden will come into the open. This is a great month for problem solving and creative solutions. Sharing information with the world and allowing others to benefit from your wisdom will be highlighted. Write down your thoughts and take time to inspire others. 

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) LEARN, STUDY, TEACH! Taking time to reassess how you use your mental energy will be important. This will give you an opportunity to redefine how you earn money and what you do with it. Venus will enter your money house, bringing good news you’re your finances. You may even treat yourself to something nice. A deeper perspective will be required this month to release things from the past, so that you can feel lighter and brighter. Any field of interest that you feel inspired to study would provide great insight into your potential future. This could bring about new beginnings in business partnerships or personal relationships. 

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY 22) MONEY IS THE HOT TOPIC! There is a large amount of activity in your money house: a new job, project, or business is possible. You could develop a new gift or find your creative niche. Venus will enter your sign this month, making it a good time to treat and pamper yourself. You will be popular this month socially, and you may even find love at this time.  Reflect on your relationship with money: how do you spend, save, or think about money? Your thoughts will dictate your situation. Relationships will be a focus this month as well, you may even get the answers you were looking for in your personal relationships. Important changes are on the horizon for you, especially releasing a behavior pattern that no longer serves you. 

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) YOU ARE THE STAR OF THE SHOW! This will be a highlight month for you, requiring a progress check with your goals. This will be the month to let go of the people and things that are no longer valuable to you. Finding time to get into the quiet still space will bring peace to your life. You may want to change how you view yourself or how you are showing up in the world. Taking the time to care for your body and health this month is crucial.  Venus, the planet of love and romance, will be in your sign. Love will be on the forefront of your mind, you may even visit an old lover. New beginnings are bursting onto the scene. Take the risk, step out more and shine your light!

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) DON’T RESIST CHANGE! Shortly before your birthday, it would be wise to look at your spiritual direction. What is going on in your subconscious that has been holding you back? Venus and the Sun in the 11th house will bring new friends, social activity and congenial networking opportunities. It’s time for completions, not starting new projects.  Evaluate your work schedule and ask your self “do I enjoy what I do?” Perhaps it’s time for change in your work life. Take time to step back from the world and go inside to visit your secret sanctuary.  Your intuition will guide you this month and it will lead you in the right direction.

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) PUSH THROUGH IT! You will feel driven to succeed, with a strong sense of purpose and initiative. With courage and fighting spirit, you can take on just about anything. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will help you make a good impression on people who can help you succeed. This is a good time to use your initiative and make real progress. Saturn in your chart can represent a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you, which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement. You will have to face this adversity with patience and persistence, and keep persevering so it doesn’t get the better of you.

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ADVENTURE AND EXPERIMENTATION! It is time to switch things up in your approach to life in general. There will be tremendous thrust and authority present in the universe for you. On the 4th of the month Venus moves into cancer making it a great time to book your travel. Broaden your horizons and soak up new cultures, sights and sounds. The way you think on a daily basis is being influenced by Pluto, giving you the power you need to get your point across. Your resistance will depend on your ability to let go and go with the flow. 

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) OPTIMISM! July brings inner calm, balance and harmony to your relationships. You will be more efficient and productive. Your plans should work out well, so this is a good time to promote yourself and your goals. Superiors will appreciate your positive attitude and initiative. The July 2nd solar eclipse is refreshingly optimistic, bringing good health, honor, and riches. It brings people together, so it’s ideal for enjoying good times with friends and especially your family. This eclipse helps you make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work.

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL!  A significant turning point can come upon you this month. A renewal of love for a person, place or thing could happen this month bringing you joy. You will want to dig or delve to the bottom of something to find the answers you have been searching for.  A very exciting new project or business partnership could develop at this time. Profits, growth, and accomplishments will be your focus. This isn’t the time to be reclusive, get out and socialize! Your finances may need to be reassessed; however, it is not the time to sign contracts or make commitments. The lunar eclipse in your sign this month provides an opportunity to look at the structure of your life so that your needs are being met. Be yourself and put yourself first. Self-Love, Self-Care!

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) PUT IN A GOOD WORD! This month, a friend or coworker may put in a good word for you to get a new job. Be gentle with yourself this month!  Enjoy your physical body with Venus in your house of health and daily schedules. Perhaps even get a massage, reflexology, or other relaxing activities. Mercury will hit your 7th house this month, delaying important contracts or partnerships. It is a time to complete something that has already begun. A project you began in January may come to a close at this time. Your routines and time will be reassessed this month and restructured. You may realize you need to lighten the load a bit. 

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES! Your surroundings are in need of an update this month. It is time to change either your work environment or even you home space. There may be some good news related to children, or a time to get back to your childlike self. It’s a great time to bring humor into your life or spend time entertaining yourself.  What changes would you like to make to your social life? Groups or networking circles may need to be reorganized. You don’t have to loose these relationships, just look to the ones you would like to deepen. You may travel for work this month.   


Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

June Horoscopes

Your Horoscope Banner.jpg

It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!

JUNE 2019

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) ECLIPSE CYCLES WILL BRING SURPRISES! There will be crazy surprises and changes for you at this time.  It could be at home or work that you have a sudden change of events. Expect connections and travel opportunities that come out of no where.  You could get a project you've been working on out into the public or published. June could leave you over stimulated, overwhelmed or exhausted. Going for a walk, taking a yoga class or doing meditation could help to stay in the moment.

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) TIME FOR A MOMENT OF PEACE! This is the month to take moments of peace and quiet for yourself.  The first half of June will be a good time to pamper yourself by doing soothing activities.  Venus, the planet of beauty and love, will find you popular this month and relationships will flow smoothly.  Your money could improve at this time through a new business opportunity or an exciting new idea.  You may even find you have a hidden talent you didn’t know about. There will be a chance to see things from a new perspective with the planet of unexpected events hitting your sign.  Take time to connect with new people and keep an open mind.  

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! One things is for sure this month: You are not going to be bored.  The new moon will be providing opportunities for you to renew yourself -- put its energy into making money or finding a good deal.  You will have a strong connection with others this month, so use that to your advantage. This could bring about a change in current relationships or forge new ones.  On the 22nd of the month, you will gain recognition for your talents. Believe in yourself and shine.  You will be inspired this month to learn something new or uncover new information that propels you forward. 

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY  22) ACCELERATED MOTION! Things will be picking up for you by your birthday.  Until then it will be a month to reflect on the things you have done well and the things that are no longer serving you.  It is the perfect time to spend time by yourself, sitting with your feelings.  On the 5th of the month, you will feel a rise in your energy levels, inspiring you to be physically active.  You can accomplish a lot of things in a short amount of time.  Start making a list of things to do.  Spirituality and the Universe will be in the forefront of your mind this month -- Allow time to explore it more. Pay special attention to your feelings and surroundings to ensure good decision making.  

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) GAIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE! This is the month to make new friends and expand your network.  Make a concerted effort to create opportunities to share your interests with others. Mercury, the planet of communication, will lend a hand in self expression. Make sure to release any emotions rather than suppressing them. It is a good time to get out and have some fun, bringing balance between business and fun.  Bring your childlike enthusiasm to all that you do.  On the 9th of the month, you will have a lucky aspect with Venus, making it a good month to sign contracts or create new partnerships.  

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) CAREER FOCUS! You could be changing the focus of your career this month.  The possibility of a promotion or someone extending a hand to you this month is likely. Take this month to get things moving and use your connections to do it.  It's a great month to be proactive about your goals. Don’t hide behind your fears -- it is not the time to be behind the scenes. Get out in the public eye! Your home life may feel a little stagnant and it could be a time to change things up a bit. Brainstorm ways to bring about creativity and excitement in your home. 

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) TRAVEL AND LEARNING! The house of travel and higher learning is being highlighted for you this month. You will have the itch to travel and explore foreign places. You may find yourself interested in international affairs and exploring new horizons. You could feel inspired to put time and energy into exploring your life purpose. Now is the time to ask yourself "where can I make the most difference?" A romantic partner or new friends of different cultures or backgrounds may come into play. It is a good time for any kind of dreaming or creating wishes. Make a list and start preparing now for your highly active summer months. 

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) LET THE HIDDEN OUT! This is the month to release old traumas. The full moon in your sign is a very cleansing time to let go of things that have been bottled up and holding you back. June is a great time to create new partnerships that can benefit you financially. Teaching, writing, and publishing  information could be expansive and positive. Putting energy into your spiritual development will give meaning to your life.  A sweeping change may take place in the way you value material things in your life.  You will have the opportunity to speak out honestly and openly this month, freeing you up emotionally.  

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) CHANGE IS IN THE AIR! Starting at the first of the month, reflect and ponder your romantic life and what you want out of it. Deep self-reflection will prepare you for the romance that lies ahead in your life. The more you value YOU, the more others will as well.  You'll have the opportunity to take a look at your old mental patterns that are no longer working. It's a time to release that which isn’t working for you and work smarter rather than harder. Uranus may cause some disruption for you in the work area. Wherever Uranus shows up... expect the unexpected!

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) TIME FOR CHANGE! It is time to implement something new into your work space. You may change jobs or find a new direction in your work. A situation you were struggling with may get easier or you gain a new perspective that lightens things up. It may even be time to change up your exercise routine and your daily schedule. Take action in your relationship space, too.  Try to  meet new people or even pursue a love interest. Go after what you want! Venus in your 5th house will support your efforts in the love department.  Pampering yourself this month will do wonders. 

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) PLAY MORE! Entertainment of any kind is just what the doctor ordered this month. Getting back to your child like self during this time will stimulate your creativity. You may learn that your hobbies could turn into a stream of income. Jupiter will shine a light on your social life in June, bringing about changes.  It would be a good time to connect with a new group of people that make you feel at home. June 27th will be a great time for communication and negotiating deals. It is the month to streamline your life, preparing you for an exciting future.  

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) DEVELOP YOUR CREATIVITY! Your month will start off slow, allowing you to rejuvenate your natural creativity. This will prompt you to find work life balance. Trusting your emotions and intuitions will guide you to your highest purpose. Let out the fun side of your personality, not allowing life to be so serious. This may draw you to spend time with children or young people. You could receive good news from a family member or invites from family members that you find enjoyable. There is the potential to travel long distances or engage in a long distance relationship.  


Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

May Horoscopes

Your Horoscope Banner.jpg

It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!

MAY 2019

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) DOWN TO BUSINESS WITH FINANCES!  Uranus moving into your second house may to lead to enhancements in your finances quickly or in unexpected ways. This aspect will last briefly, potentially leading to self-employment. Abundance and money flows easily to you when you do something you enjoy! Now is the time to turn things around and follow your passions. May is a good month for activities in the home or consider working from home. The full moon at the end of the month will shine a light on your interactions with other people. Meet your goals by putting your feelers out there for a potential partnership with someone!

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! A new beginning with new possibilities will arise for you this month.  Keep an open mind! On the 4th of May there will be a new moon in your sign, indicating a new YOU emerging. This provides you with a fresh outlook. Venus will play a role in your life, allowing more love and joyfulness. YAY! You will receive a lot of help from the planets during this month. Stand tall, be confident, don’t compare yourself to others, and you will feel the benefits. Take full advantage of all of the amazing energy!

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) BALANCE BETWEEN YOUR OUTER WORLD AND YOUR INNER LIFE! It is a time for stillness and self-reflection: take a moment for silence this May. This will be an opportunity for you to raise your vibration with the unseen energies available to you. Learn a new topic or explore metaphysical subjects. Peacefulness will be extremely important, empowering you in all areas of your life. Be sure not to get tangled up in the weeds. Venus will be in your 12th house, which could bring in a past relationship for much needed healing. Find the balance and peace within yourself.

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY  22) NEW OPPORTUNITY WITH RELATIONSHIPS! All types of relationships will be highlighted this month. Your 11th house focuses on: Making new friends, new lovers and new business partners. This will provide you with the opportunity to get together with others in co-creation and bring your ideas out in the world.  Make sure to exercise or get yourself moving to prevent a standstill. With Mars in your chart, you'll feel a boost of energy to support you. The full moon on the 18th will shine a light on creativity, playfulness, and laughter. Be sure to make it a fun month while reaching for your goals! 

LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES! You may be asking yourself some very deep questions this month, specifically if there is another direction for you to go. Follow your passion to see where that will take you! Venus will assist you with this evaluation, giving you support with communication and visibility. Take a moment to see how you view people in your world, as connecting with people in new ways may bring success for you. Mars will give you the energy to follow your new pursuits with vigor, allowing you to release any old emotions holding you back. Be sure to have work-life balance this month! 

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) FINDING MEANING IN YOUR LIFE! You will have a strong desire to widen your perspective this month. Long distance trips or going abroad will feel attractive. On the 7th of May, you will have a boost in energy to take the trips you’re envisioning. You will find inspiration in going beyond the familiar to find the magic that has been missing. The energy of Mars will require you to express patience with others. The Sun and Mercury will help you bring uplifting and joyful energy to others. Your world will transform in a positive way this month!   

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) FOCUSED POWER!  This month you will have an opportunity to discover what has been previously blocking you. It’s time to shed your old self and emerge as a new, better version! Partnerships, romantic or otherwise, are highlighted this month. Venus will bring the opportunity to meet new people or create new relationships. You may find you have a forgotten talent that resurfaces. On the 27th of this month, public speaking, teaching, or learning something new will be brought into focus to further your spiritual growth.   

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! You will want to deepen your understanding of the what brings meaning into your life. The Sun, together with the planet of unexpected events, could bring a new relationship into your life or reinvigorate an existing one. In the middle of the month, Venus, the plant of love joins the party, highlighting what works and what doesn’t in the area of love. It will be an awakening time for you, realizing where there is room for growth. There will be an opportunity for peacefulness and harmony with your one-on-one interactions with people. By May 16th, you will feel the urge to travel, learn, or be creative in a more meaningful way.  

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21)  CONTRIBUTION & EXPANSION! It is time to review your daily regimens to ensure you are maintaining your health and well-being. Rejuvenation of your physical body will be a focus this month. Do not focus on limitations or blockages, but going beyond them to experience progress! Perhaps get a massage or go out into nature. Try new things that you find stimulating. In the area of work, be careful about the career choices and decisions that you make. Some Sags will quit their jobs, while others will consider it. Be mindful when leaving for greener pastures -- check your intuition and the facts.

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) USE YOUR HEART INSTEAD OF YOUR HEAD! Clarity of thought doesn’t always help when it comes to love. You may intellectually understand an emotionally charged situation on the 1st or 2nd, without finding that it brings you a lot of emotional relief. It’s a really good idea to work with your body this month. Go get a massage, or workout, or look into some Thai Chi. The more in touch you are with your physical self, the easier it will be to access the emotional truth that’s inside you. It could take time: just keep nurturing yourself until you see the change you wish to see! Don’t let anybody demand too much of your time. Capricorn, you need to put yourself first! On the 20th, you are positively raring to go.  

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) HOME, FAMILY, FUN! Buying or selling a home could be on the horizon for you this month. There is a strong need to make a change in your immediate environment to bring a liveliness back to your surroundings. Things regarding your roots and ancestry could come up this month. You may find yourself wanting to connect with family members to release pains of the past. It’s time to make space for something new to come in. Your creativity will be highlighted this month, giving you the opportunity to be entrepreneurial. Mars will push you to take action on your ideas.   

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) COMMUNICATION WILL BE KEY! This month will be important for you to get out and about. Take the time to connect with the people around you, maybe even get to know your neighbors. Spontaneous short trips will be exhilarating for you, and will enhance your creativity. There may be a legal matter or court case coming to a head and completing at this time. This is a wonderful month to connect to the playful side of you and bring out your inner child. Even the smallest of changes in your environment will have you feeling good! Expand your horizons by getting out of your comfort zone to manifest your heart’s desires.   

Tips for Spring (Energy) Cleaning

Spring Energy Clearing Butterfly.jpg

Tips for Spring (Energy) Clearing

By Ashley Erickson

Spring is a time of new beginnings, whether it be leaves budding on the trees or baby animals entering the world. It is also a time of cleansing. Often we focus on cleaning our home, throwing open the windows and scrubbing away what has piled up over the long winter.

Our physical homes are not the only thing we should cleanse, our spirits also need cleansing. Just like our homes can become bacteria laden and filled with unnecessary junk, so too can our spirits. Negative energy, much like bacteria, can seep in one day and needs a bit of focus to fully evict from our spirit.

There are a few different ways to get rid of negative energy and find balance. Some focus on clearing the energy in your surroundings, while others focus directly on the spirit. The key to all methods is setting the intention to remove the energy, let in positivity and light, and achieve balance.

One of the main methods for clearing a home is smudging. Smudging involves taking bundled herbs and burning them throughout your home, while setting the intention that any negativity vacates the area. Some popular herbs are white sage, lavender, and rosemary. An easy way to remove energy is to place bowls of salt in the corners of a room for a few hours and then throw out. Other methods include sweeping your front door, moving negativity out and only letting positivity in, sending negativity out open windows, placing charged crystals, especially black tourmaline, on windowsills.

While our surroundings can be a place of light and positive energy, negativity can easily attach to us while we are out in the world. Stress, arguments at work, and others low vibrations can follow us around. Clearing our spirit of these negative attachments is extremely important in keeping a negative free physical space.

An easy method for cleansing the spirit is dancing to your favorite music. High vibrational music increases positivity and bounces out all of the negative. For those that love bath time, there are a variety of herbal blends that can be added to hot water to ground the spirit and wash away negative emotions. Those looking for something easier can just add 2 cups sea or epsom salt to their bath water and enjoy a nice soak. Showering can also cleanse if the intention is set that all negativity flows out of your body and down the drain.

Carrying charged crystals or herb sachets offers protection against the negative emotions bombarding us on a daily basis. Along with black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, black onyx, and fluorite can protect the spirit. Picking a crystal can be extremely personal, so pick the one that most draws you to it. There are many different crystals so going to a local shop and checking out the books available would be the among the best resources.

Meditation can be done anywhere, at any time, and offers serious negativity banishing. Envisioning the negativity leaving you and being replaced with light. Enveloping yourself in a golden light shield that deflects all low vibrations will set yourself up for a positive day. Yoga combines the intention of meditation with the movement of dancing. Aligning your chakras through visualization can be another meditation focus.

Classes offering guided meditation, yoga, chakra alignment, and cleansing practices can be found online. Spirit & Spark offers a variety of classes weekly such as Reiki Circle Meditations, Sound Bath Meditations, Chakra Yoga and more. Find what works best for you and keep low, negative vibrations at bay.

April Horoscopes

Your Horoscope Banner.jpg

It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!

April 2019

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) BREATH OF FRESH AIR! The new moon on April 5th represents a new beginning for you.  It will also be a time to review what you can do reinvent yourself. You may feel like changing your hair, wardrobe or your overall appearance.  This will be an important time to find balance between your external and internal life. Look for moments of peacefulness during the day.  Your natural state is to want to move forward in a hurry, but this is not a time to push too hard.  Your relationship house could experience change, including what you are seeking in another person or a current relationship may experience a shake-up. 

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) DEVELOP YOUR SPIRITUALITY! April is an opportunity to go with the flow and not be so structured.  Relax into the feeling of surrender and faith.  Go wider and deeper with your interests and hobbies. It's an excellent time to take a class or look for a new area of study.  Venus enters your 12th house this month, which means that you are in the incubation stage of developing your ideas. Metaphysical subjects and spirituality may interest you even more in April.  It is possible for an old love to come back into your life. With Uranus in your sign, it is an opportunity to break free from all the limitations that have held you back. 

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) HIGH ENERGY + ACTION! This month will be the time to get physical and tune in to your body.  Mars enters your sign making it the ideal opportunity to start a new project.  Enter new social circles and work with groups of people.  Mercury in your 10th house will accentuate your work sector. An expansion of your professional responsibilities is possible. Towards the end of the month, new business and love connections may shine a spotlight upon you. Remember to be your natural, playful self.

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY  22)  EXPRESS YOURSELF! Let out your emotions -- Do not hold things inside this month. April is a good time to get to the bottom of something, allowing you to fully release it.  The new moon hits your career house this month.  A new job opportunity is possible. Mars and Venus in the area of career can create a new way of relating to the world. Break out of the norm and do something different with your interactions with others. Come out of your shell and share yourself more. You may want to change up your home or make a move. Try redecorating.  Seek out people and opportunities that are different from your natural culture. Saturn will draw your attention to relationships and how you relate to others. Make positive changes. 

LEO (JULY 22 - AUGUST 22) PUT ON YOUR PARTY PANTS! This month is a great time to engage in social activities, even make some new friends. This will take action on your part, as you will need to make the effort. Bring out the child inside of you, enjoy and have fun. Your mind will be very active in April.  Take a deeper look at your feelings and thoughts, discovering your truth.  You will discover what brings more meaning into your life.  The sun in your chart will bring good news, a promotion or will raise your consciousness to your own shining light.  Travel may interest you this month, even overseas. 

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) RELATIONSHIP ACTION! There will be energy in your relationship sector this month.  It is a time of excitement, but also uncertainty, so be sure to consider your options before you make a decision.  It's an excellent time to establish clients or a networking base. You will also have support through other peoples money or assistance with projects from people in your professional circle. You will have the benefit of Jupiter's energy now, and it will bring blessings to you.  Relax and breathe as you decide where to spend your time -- both home and work could expand this month. 

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) DEEPER KNOWLEDGE!  Your area of higher learning and travel will be a focus this month. You may want to go deeper in your studies to search for deeper meaning in the world.  The new moon in Aries on the 7th can create a new beginning in relationships.  You could meet someone new or see relationships from a whole new perspective.  It may provide the  sense of togetherness or sharing that Libras loves. Good news about your work situation is coming, and you will experience harmonious relationships there. Be cautious not to overdo things this month, you may experience over indulgence in food and an expanded waistline. 

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) FUTURE SECURITY!  This is a wonderful time to sort out any government issues, banks, mortgages or future security issues.  You could collaborate with another to meet your financial needs.  You may encounter psychic experiences this month that surprise you.  Interest in the metaphysical areas of life will also catch your eye.  Your house of romance will be action packed this month.  It's a creative and fun time for you, so pick up a new hobby or go on a fun date.  Remember the child within and enjoy.  Pay attention to your physical body and create some new routines that will keep you in the flow of energy.

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21)  ACHIEVEMENT IN RELATIONSHIPS!  This isn't the time to play it safe or over think things. Energy is focused on your relationships: Make changes to your current one, get a new one, or decide to be alone for now. With Mars aspecting your chart, you can ignite passion into all your relationships, both in business and relationships. You may discover a new skill or renew the child inside of you. It's time to joke and laugh more this month. Create a sense of peace in your home environment.  Reconnect with family and friends to find a sense of security.  Play yourself larger than life and your enjoyment will increase exponentially. 

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) BE PRODUCTIVE! Put energy into your health and well being -- Get your body moving.  This is the time to make that dentist appointment or get your yearly exam.  Stay focused and take action this month and you'll accomplish a great deal. You may even want to rearrange your home or create different surroundings for yourself. Nurture your personal space. Communication of any kind will be important to you, giving and receiving of information either through study or networking opportunities. Don't allow yourself to be stagnant this month. Find ways to uplift your energy! 

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) SPICE IT UP! Use your creativity to produce something new.  It's not always about productivity, but finding joy in doing the things you love.  Take a break from the every day activities of life and stop to smell the roses.  You will desire feelings of connection this month, even finding new romance. Venus is in your money sector, so there could be good news about your finances! Trust you are being taken care.  Have real faith in your ability to generate the money and finances you're dreaming about.  There will be an opportunity for travel and seeking out new horizons.

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) YOU'RE ON THE MOVE! You may decide this month that it's time to move to another home.  You could feel restless with life. If you do not move, you will consider changing things up at home. The second week in April will bring financial opportunities that you will find interesting.  You may uncover creative talents that have been dormant.  You will feel good about yourself!  This feeling will draw abundance and the people you need at this time in to your life.  Uranus is affecting your chart and it may introduce you to some new, unique people or inspire you to take a short trip to a new place.  


Virginia, Our Spirit & Spark Astrologer

Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

March Horoscopes

Your Horoscope Banner.jpg

It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!

March 2019

ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) EARN THAT MONEY! Finances will not be a problem this month and your career is projected to do well (phew!). March's energy supports healthy family relationships, which allows you to place more focus on earning money. Venus is in your 11th house from March 2-26. During this time, the ego is in total sleep mode, so any potentially flammable communications with friends or partners are glossed over without any upset. If your new love interest has not yet met your friends, this is the time to do so.

TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 19) TIME TO PARTY! Break out your party shoes, say "yes" to upcoming social events and connect with the people with whom you share the same dreams with. It is through conversing with your peers that you come to see your place in the world. If you don’t feel you resonate with your old friends any longer, it could be a sign that you've out grown them. On March 20, you will want to retreat in to some quality alone time. Be sure to get the rest you need before your very busy birthday month ahead.

GEMINI (MAY 20 - JUNE 19) LOVE IS IN THE AIR! There is good news on both the romantic and relationship fronts this month! Expect a lot of activity and nothing is being pushed or forced with the planetary energy, so go with the flow. With lucky Jupiter at the wheel, your relationships are in good hands. Make your moves from March 8-26, because Venus is primed to bring a dramatic change in your life, adding a dash of respect, compassion and courage. Take full advantage of all the opportunities of self-reflection, and though these radical revelations seem to come from nowhere... be patient and try to discover the insightful meaning behind them.

CANCER (JUNE 20 - JULY 22) GET YOUR REST! It would be to your benefit to spend some quiet time alone in March, so that you can let go and recharge your batteries. If you can do this, you might be blessed with some new ideas that happen to float down from the cosmos. Who couldn't use divine insight? Otherwise, you may find yourself stirring up drama or ruffling feathers. The stars will be restless but promising, demanding action on your part and responsibility. This will also be a constructive period for your emotional bonds.

LEO (JULY 22 - AUGUST 22) UNEXPECTED CHANGES! Career goals will reach an attainable level this month due to the attention that you'll give to them. You'll be set on progressing your professionalism and making the right moves. However, you will have to detoxify to improve your health, bringing you from better to best. You will also throw bad attitudes behind you. Be careful traveling this month due to Mercury Retrograde. Allow extra time to get from A-to-Z, don't forget necessities at home and go with the flow!

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) GOOD HEALTH! March will bless you with energy and momentum toward good health, which you should be able to enjoy with the minimum fuss. Even those Virgo's with complaints of the digestive tract (hello flatulence), will experience relief from their symptoms. Did we really just say that? March will give you a green light for making agreements, laying the foundation for a new relationship, and enjoying some moments of sensuality. Rarrr! 

LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) GREAT CONNECTIONS! March is a great month to go places in your professional world. Gifted with a desire for action, and inclined to take initiatives seriously, you should forge ahead in your field with confidence. This will be enriched by association and group gatherings with gifted people of learning, education and spiritual stature. In fact, this association would give your whole life a new dimension of total satisfaction. Consider attending a new community fellowship and connect with others while you're there.

SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ADAPTABILITY! Psychological matters, family dynamics and their happiness will take center stage in March. Other aspects of life, like professionalism, will be on the bench. The Scorpio personality will have to portray adaptability for him or her to have a glance at success. Finances will need more work. Like last month, prosperity is happening, but you’re also having to earn it. Finances will get much easier after March 20. Health is favorable this month. The stressful aspects of Mars and Uranus will not have much effect on you. Can we get an amen?

SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) TIME TO SET GOALS! March will be a practical month with a focus on meaningful activities. Now's the time to make plans and set goals! However, don’t be in a hurry to finish your work. Be systematic in sensitive assignments and if you don't know how to proceed, take pause and reflect. Find your zen moment! You'll find it easier to be productive and reach professional targets. You may get rewarded for your hard efforts. Financial stability may give you real satisfaction. 

CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 JANUARY 19) ALL ABOUT THE SPEED! March will highlight commitments from others, and what you've agreed to take on and finish yourself. Don’t be hasty in making decisions. Continue your efforts to finish any pending work and special projects. You may get the chance to purchase a fixed asset of your own. Interaction with family is going to improve rapidly (thank goodness). Consider going on a family trip. March could also bring you an upgrade in your profession. Give priority to social interactions and communication.

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) HAPPY DAYS! Pack your bags, as some of you may get a chance to go abroad. Your dreams of migrating to distant lands could come true! Think clearly and make thoughtful choices when it comes to your work. Don’t be lazy, as it may cause you stress and delay. Be on the lookout for people who may try to cheat you this month (see people with eyes wide open). In your social life, connect with people from different cultures. Take inventory of your health and choose food and activities that contribute to higher energy levels. 

PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 22) FAME! Self-assertion will lead you to success. Your independent nature in handling situations will make you strong. Your reliability at work will win appreciation. Your actions will make you more popular. You should control your words and be mindful of harsh speech. Your multitasking nature could give you desired success with some delay. Smile, as public notoriety may be coming your way. Consider doing charity or social service for self-satisfaction. Don't allow your health to suffer this month because of being over-worked. Take a yoga class to decompress. 


Virginia, Our Spirit & Spark Astrologer

Virginia offers a balance of intellect and intuition emerging from her passion for astrology and her own strong personal commitment to spiritual growth. Virginia was fortunate enough to have studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, allowing her to translate personal Astrology, showing you how to best use the natural energies displayed in your Natal Horoscope. Astrology has made a profound impact on her life and she is inspired to bring to life your Astrological blueprint. Virginia is a Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

"Ask My About My Nickname!" a Spirit Story


"Ask About My Nickname!"

I'm constantly amazed by the way Spirits on the Other Side work with and through me! A few minutes before a new client arrived for her Mediumship session, I was told by Spirit to sit down and channel. I knew that they wanted me to grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down messages. So, I started scribbling down specific words and phrases until the client arrived. Before she entered the room, I turned the piece of paper face down, so it wouldn't be a focal point or distraction for her session. But as I did, I remembered that I wrote down the initials "B M S" in a diagonal line. 

My client sat down and I began describing how I work, then we began her Mediumship session. Her grandmother's Spirit began to step forward first, sharing messages of comfort and love. Then, the Spirit showed me the letter "B" -- it turned out that she went by the name Becky. My client asked if her grandmother had a message for her daughter, whose name is Mary. I said "wait, I have to show you something." I turned over the piece of paper, with all of the channeled notes, and showed her the letters B and M as they were listed on the sheet, and pointed out how they corresponded exactly with the order in which the messages were stepping forward. She looked at the paper in shock, but then said "I don't know anyone that is an S name", the last letter listed. I said "hmmm, we'll figure it out!" Then, the energy of her dad began stepping forward. He was showing me things about his life: He served in the Navy, went on fishing trips with his father-in-law and a special medal with a star. He then showed me a type of box you store important things in, along with the star, over and over again. Then, he said "ask my daughter about my nickname." Wouldn’t you know!? It was Smitty -- the "S" that was written down before she arrived for her session! She was overcome with excitement, because she knew it was her dad! She confirmed that she keeps a shadow box with many of his military items in them, including a medal with a star on it (photo included).

When you come with an open mind, with an intention to connect with loved ones on the Other Side, we can be the conduit for that connection! We trust Spirit and step out of the way, allowing them to speak with and through us. We are honored to have this gift and we take our jobs seriously! 

With a grateful heart,


Your February Horoscope

Your Horoscope Banner.jpg

It's time to see what the planets have in store for you this month! 

When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is naturally present for us. Don't forget to share them with your friends and family!


ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 20)BE PATIENT  Are you enjoying your career? This month you will be looking to add more joy into your daily life, bringing positive reactions from the people you come in contact with this month.  Your intuition will be intense this month guiding you to build your dreams.  You will have Mars on your side supporting you to move forward on your ideas.  This will be a powerful month for shining a light on your work life, allowing you to push the envelope in a positive way.  Balance between "being" and "doing" will be key for you to accomplish your goals.  

TAURUS (APRIL 21-MAY 20): FIND YOUR CENTER  This will be an important month for you to be centered and focused.  The opportunity to travel and go abroad will be exciting for you. You may even engage with someone from overseas or begin an international business arrangement.  This is a powerful time for spiritual growth, and it could lead to putting something in writing.  You will do things in a different way than you have done them before.  Mars enters your sign this month giving you a power charge to take action financially, physically and in relationships.  Visibility and leadership will be particularly strong for you with your tenth house of career being spotlighted.  

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 21):  CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE February is the time of planning and changes. It may be time to part with your job and look for a new opportunity that suits you and your ideas. How do you know? If you feel that your job and your potential are wasted, it's time for a change. Small and temporary problems at home will arise, but a quick, calm conversation and an explanation of what's going on should do the trick.  Travel, educational pursuits, writing and publishing are all highlighted, with a special emphasis on creative ventures in these areas. Be open to new ideas and the unfamiliar.  

CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22):  QUIET BEFORE THE STORM For this month, it would be good to take a little more leisurely pace, allowing time to yourself in nature to recharge your battery.  Gain a sense of peacefulness before an exciting month of March begins.  You will feel the new moon energies at the beginning of the month February.  It's a great time to begin a new business partnership or bring about new ideas, as this could help you find more meaning in your life.  The energy is encouraging you to look for deeper meanings and appreciation.  In February, Venus will highlighted in your chart bringing harmony into your life.  The potential for love is also available to you at this time. 

LEO ( JULY 23 - AUG 22):  THINGS ARE HEATING UP  At the beginning of the month Mars will motivate you into movement.  With this intense energy there may be a power struggle.  This will require you to make a shift to benefit from this energy.  The good news is Venus will assist you in this area, bringing sweetness and calm to this fiery energy.  This is a great month for meeting someone new.  Your chances for meeting interesting, original, and dynamic people are particularly high during the first half of the month... Just in time for Valentine’s Day. The end of the month will be a little more stressful and possess an energy that will be a little more difficult to manage. Remember to breathe and try to stay in the present moment! 

VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEPT 22):  REEVALUATIONS  This will be a very revealing month for you right from the start!  Mars in Aries is taking on and squaring Pluto in Capricorn, which brings an interesting shake up.  It will be focused in the area of your fifth house pertaining to children, self expression, and creativity.  This square will put you under pressure, forcing you to take actions and make a decision. This influence could bring a new job and a fresh start.  At the end of the month, Venus will meet up with Pluto, causing you to get serious and be an adult.  It could be a time of lower energy, so get plenty of rest and self-care.

LIBRA (SEPT 23 - OCT 22): FIND BALANCE There have been many changes to your stability, home, family and environment starting at the beginning of the year.  Venus will move in to the fourth house providing you an opportunity to achieve harmony into the area of the home and with family members. Venus will encourage you to bring more beauty into your home as well as heightening your creativity.  Mid month, Mars will be in your relationship house which is a good time to take action, and it might bring about a new business partnership or negotiating a business deal.  You will get a boost in your overall well-being and energy when the sun moves into the sixth house towards the end of the month.  

SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 22): YOU CHOOSE This month will reveal that you need to choose those things that make you happy and comfortable.  No one should dictate your choices because you are an independent thinker. The choices you make will enable you to grow and expand your career development to another level.  People will envy you for your choices.  This month your love life will be exciting due to the aspects of Neptune and Venus.  Coupled or not you will enjoy the romance that flows to you in February.  If you are single, you will be able to find love easily in places of work and social gatherings. 

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23 - DEC 22) HIGH ENERGY Venus is still in your sign, making it a great time for growth while stretching beyond your comfort zone.  It will enter your house of finances at the beginning of the month.  This will bring money and opportunity.  Mercury will join Neptune in the fourth house, providing the perfect time to work from home, spend time with family members and feeling compassion toward others.  Your creative energies will be in high force allowing the potential to start your own business. You will have the energy necessary for  a new exercise or diet program, if you choose.   

CAPRICORN (DEC 23 - JAN 22) POWER STRUGGLES There's plenty of action happening in your sign right now! This will be a busy month for you and all about evaluating your life before the month of March hits.  You will have Mars and Pluto squaring each other causing friction. This can come from an internal place, causing movement within your emotions. This planet placement will force you take action to get out from underneath a situation. Venus in your chart will add a flavor of diplomacy to assist you with this struggle.  She will also present the opportunity to meet new people that enhance your financial standing.  

AQUARIUS (JAN 23 - FEB 22) SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE Start this month off with wrapping up any contracts or deals that need to be concluded.  It's time to bring peace into your space, taking the time to get a massage or be out in nature.  Venus could potentially bring back a previous love or connection that was lost.  On the 11th of the month you could receive unexpected funds.  This is a time for trusting and relaxing into the idea that your needs will be taken care of by the universe.  Mars will enable you to get things done quickly and efficiently.  Use this extra boost of energy to go out with your family or exercise a bit.  The full moon on the 19th will shine a light on anything having to do with other people's money. A new business partnership can develop.  

PISCES (FEB 23 - MARCH 22) GO DEEP THIS MONTH The planetary alignment offers a chance to get to know yourself more deeply and find that all-important emotional harmony. You can completely abandon yourself to the goals that you have decided to work on, or you can start to pull it all apart through worrying and over-analyzing the details. Be mindful about your inner dialog. Look forward to pleasant news about your personal life. This is a great time for any kind of travel. Although you experience success in life, it is good to make real assessment of the situations you are in. Do not allow yourself to be constrained and do not run contradictions to your own principles.

January 2019 Horoscopes

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JANUARY HOROSCOPES: Enjoy + Share with your friends and family! When we know what is happening in our astrological chart, we can better prepare and expand upon the energy that is present for us. Click the button below to book your private session to go over all of 2019 has in store for you!

ARIES (March 21-April 20): GO FOR IT! January will begin with a bang for you. You will have a lot of raw energy to work with to achieve your goals. Mars will enter Aries, your home sign, which will create focus, determination and drive to accomplish your goals. Your work area will be a highlighted in the form of learning something new or teaching others what you know. Jupiter will activate your skill sets to support you with your projects. January 3, 8 and 23 you could experience challenges in communication, and minor speed bumps, so be aware and proceed with caution.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): CONNECT WITH OTHERS! Taurus natives will embrace adventure with a strong will and an unmatched ambition in January. It can be a time to reconnect with friends you have not seen in a while. Jupiter will be aspecting your relationships with others and resources. This is a great time for building a clientele. Around January 20, several planets will be kissing the sign of Capricorn and it will be beneficial for the Taurus energies. Both the Sun and Mercury will be in a square aspect to your sign, which may cause tension or squabbles, so be gentle with your communications. It is a good month to buy electronics or a car.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21): COLLABORATE AND DELEGATE! Relationships in your life will experience the expansive energy of Jupiter in January. This is a great time to delegate, collaborate and partner with others – however, it will take work and discipline to carry this out with Saturn affecting the area of relationships for you this month. The good news? Saturn will provide the energy for you to focus and get it done. Take care when driving, using machinery and electronics at this time. The second house of finances will be highlighted for you this month, providing endings and new beginnings with your resources or income.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): GO WITH THE FLOW! January will be a clean slate for Cancers. Wide open new starts and radical new chapters can begin for you. With new starts can come dramatic endings, so go with the flow. The full moon and eclipse season will affect you strongly with the moon ruling your sign. A strong Capricorn energy opposing your sign will cause a need for work life balance or you will experience over-exhaustion. Your physical body and image will be a highlighted area bringing your attention to your own self worth. Beware of taking risks on January 13.

LEO (July 23-August 22): INNER WORK AND BREAKTHROUGHS! This is the month of facing your fears and gaining triumph. Your focus will be on the area of deep inner work which may require support from others, and my require extra rest. The Sun placement at this time will support you in getting organized and back on track. Create new systems and regimes to bring about a healthy lifestyle and successful work routine. The nodial energies in your chart will create the feeling of breaking free, resulting in a mental and spiritual breakthrough. Be mindful of your mental health. It is a great time to get a pet, and making new friends.

VIRGO (August 23-September 23): LOVE IS IN THE AIR! The Sun will be warming up the area of creative projects, new ideas and children. This energy will be smooth and down to business, and it will support you in getting your new projects under way. In the area of love, the chance for meeting new people and romance are high this month. If you are already in a relationship, making time for creative and fun activities will enhance your partnership. There could be some drama this month with your friends, coworkers or acquaintances. This is a time to get extra rest, take your supplements and keep stress low.

LIBRA (September 24-October 23): TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! Surprising endings and magical beginnings will be the theme for you in January. With the Sun in the fourth house there will be a focus on home, family, and real estate. Use this energy to clean house and restructure your foundation. The power of Jupiter will be in your favor, accentuating the area of finance at the beginning of the month -- bringing extra money to you. Then, the lunar eclipse on January 21 will add attention to your place out in the world. This could bring about a change at work through a new job or career.

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22): WORK, EARN AND SHARE! Your second house, the area of value and finances, will be positively aspected in the beginning of the month. It will be a time to earn more money, expand your worth, and experience some relief from financial pressure. This will not be manifested without hard work on your part. By mid-January, the focus will shift to the area of communication, siblings, and mobility. You will feel compelled to do things for the greater good that allow you to follow your true passions. This may even include going international with your ideas.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21): LUCK IS ON YOUR SIDE! It’s time to get back to business! There will be a need for grounded energy at the start of the new year. Things you started with great excitement and enthusiasm will need consistent hard work to pull through. It is an excellent time for writing, editing, traveling, and moving around. You may get restless at this time and consider moving. Towards the end of the month, there will be a lot of energy around who you are in the world. Consider changing your image, redefining your self, and your physical health. On a positive note, it may be time to buy a lottery ticket. Luck is on your side!

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 20): SELF CARE AND MASTERY! Happy Birthday… The spotlight will be on you with the first eclipse of the year in your sign. There will also be several planets in Capricorn strengthening your presence this month. This may feel overwhelming at times, so take a step back and take one day at a time. Pay attention to your body this month, as it is the messenger of the universe. This month will be all about strategy and self mastery. Set your intention for what you want to manifest in 2019. Progress not perfection are key for you at this time -- Just get your projects on the way!

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 19): TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS! Your third house will be lit up this month. You have full access in the area of communication, writing and education. You have done a fair amount of cleaning house in 2018 and now it is time for a spiritual awakening, creativity and new beginnings. On January 6, you will have help form Uranus in bringing in new people, new thoughts and ideas. This will be a very social month for you and a time to network. Towards the end of the month there may be changes to your relationships or a start to a new romantic relationship.

PISCES (February 20-March 20): FRESH START AND HEALTHY BOUNDARIES! This is a very important month to set the tone for this upcoming year. It will be a fresh start for you and an opportunity to redefine what feels safe and healthy. It is a good idea to create boundaries for your self and others. This will set you up for success. There will be a fifth house influence, forcing you to address addictions and overindulgence. This could change your social circles, propelling you into a group of like minded people. Venus and Jupiter will be joining each other in your career house in January. This will support you in finding what you love in the world and creating a career doing it.


I talk to murder victims.

Murder Victims Speak

The bridge to solving crimes

I have always been interested in crime, specifically murder. The thoughts that go through someone's mind before they do the unthinkable. Sorting through questions around a victim and how they ended up "dead." Wondering how a family comes to term with what has happened to their loved one, and how they can begin to heal.

I was on the Mock Trial Team in high school, and I thought about becoming a Trial Attorney. But, I became a psychic medium instead. I have known on a soul level that I would be working on solving crimes and working with victims, but I didn't know how it would all come together. Spirit said "Dallisa, let go of the how, and be open to it happening." 

About a year ago I had a premonition of a robbery as I sat in front of a bank. Then, about an hour later it was all over the local news. My parents sent a text message that said "Don't go near that bank by your house -- it was just robbed." I had chills all over my body and responded with confirmation that I had already known that it was going to happen. Spirit spoke to me again, "Dallisa, you are going to work on solving crimes."

Fast forward to about a month ago. A dear friend and mentor said "I should introduce you to a lady I know. She works on cold case murders across the country. She may want to talk with you about what you do!" My jaw hit the floor. I knew that this was the introduction Spirit was talking about.

I am proud to say that I've looked at a few of her cases and communicated directly to the victims in Spirit. I feel them enter the room, and I ask them to "show me what happened to you." And, the story begins to unfold. I am looking forward to when the victims in Spirit solve their own murder cases. That day will happen.

Deceased Grandpa Gave Me "Strength"

One early December morning in 2013, I awoke from my deep sleep with a knowing that my beloved grandpa Frank had passed away. I had made plans a few weeks prior to say my farewell, booking a flight to go and see him in early January. But, that chance never came. Grandpa Frank had been sick and under hospice care, and I knew this his prognosis bleak. His light was dimming, and quickly.

My parents called that December morning to tell me that he had passed. My response: "Yes, I know." I explained to them that I awoke earlier that morning with the knowing that he had made his transition to the great beyond. We cried, and then I told them that I would come and meet them in Las Vegas the following day, and that we'd go on a road trip to Idaho together for his memorial service. During that phone call I also offered to do grandpa Frank's eulogy. 

I was honored when my grandma Ellie agreed, and gave me her blessing to coordinate the memorial service for her late husband. I began to pack my bags for the trip and formulating my thoughts around what I would say during the eulogy. I had never done one before and I was nervous. I didn't want to let grandpa Frank down. He was a war veteran and a good man -- how could I put into words what this man meant to me and his family?

The morning that I was leaving to meet my parents in Las Vegas, I said a special prayer:

"Please God, give me strength to make it through this trip, the memorial service, and help me craft the eulogy that I am about to deliver."

Then, I had one final stop before driving to the airport: the mailbox. I walked over, inserted my key and peered inside to see a box from a subscription service that I received quarterly. It's often jammed with samples and items that I'll never use. But, something told me to take it inside and open the box. The first thing I noticed was a special necklace from the company "The Giving Keys." The concept is that you select and wear a necklace with a special word on it, and when you no longer need it, you give it to someone ... 'paying it forward.' Pretty snazzy, right? Well, it's even more remarkable when you realize that you said a prayer for strength and then a few minutes later you receive a necklace engraved with the very word on it (see photo).

I believe that grandpa Frank is often with me in spirit, and that he heard my prayer for strength that day. My necklace was a beautiful nudge and delivery from spirit, and one that I will forever cherish. 

The Personality of Spirits

Do you often wonder how your loved ones are after they have made their transition to the other side? As a clairvoyant, I receive messages and imagery for clients, and share it through one-on-one private readings. Often times I will see situations and circumstances from the past that a client is still energetically tied to. I also have departed loved ones that will show up during a reading to provide confirmation that they are still around a client or to provide an important message to them.

If you can imagine, departed loves ones appear on a stage, directly in front of me as I am channeling messages for a client. Some spirits will decide to step forward and share a message or memory, while others are simply there to show they are okay. There are two recent experiences that I would like to share with you:

  • The "I'm Sorry" reading. I can vividly recall how I felt as I began channeling for a client that lives in Wisconsin. I could see her helping someone that was homeless. The next moment I could feel a man inside of her house, watching her. Then, I could see the spirit of a man step forward to say "I'm Sorry," "I Hurt You" and "I Love You." As I began to explain what I was seeing to my client, she sobbed. She explained that her son was homeless and she had tried to help him off of the streets. He had died of a drug overdose and she missed him terribly. I further explained that I could see his spirit inside of her home, and then he had not gone toward the light and completed his transition his overdose. I walked her through how to send him to the light and release his trapped energy so that he could be with Creator. The words from my client's son provided her with comfort, and he was able to communicate through me and directly to his mother.
  • The "Is This Thing On" reading. I still laugh when I think about this reading I had with a client in Texas. When I started channeling messages for her, I could feel her own beautiful, sparkling energy. She felt like rays of sunshine. Almost immediately I could see that she had several departed loves ones that wanted to say hello. Her grandmother stepped forward first and showed me a memory of her sitting with my client as she was a child. I could sense that she was a very kind woman with a genuine smile. Then, I saw a spirit who I affectionately refer to as "The Man With Glasses." He stepped forward onto the spirit stage, tapped a microphone and said "Is this thing on?" I could genuinely feel his sparkling personality. He began to show me that he loved being around a new baby that was born into the family. And, that the baby could see his spirit when he was visiting

Please understand that your loved ones have not lost their spark and that their personality and spirit lives on. What will your private session bring forward for you? Book your reading now

The Unpaid Debt

I believe that the universe is filled with orchestrated synchronicities. There are challenges, along with delightful moments that come into your life for a reason. And, then there are some people that sit next to you on an airplane and make your jaw drop. Today was that day.

I was flying from Austin to Dallas/Fort Worth and was greeted by a bubbly woman named Amy, as she took the seat next to mine. I had just purchased the book "When Will the Heaven Begin" in the airport bookshop, and I could see that she was holding a book, too. I asked her what she was reading, and she did the same. I told her that I was a clairvoyant and a medium, and that I enjoyed reading books about near death experiences. ...And, then our conversation took off (literally!).

I started exchanging stories with Amy, but there was one that stood out from the rest. She told me that she had been married previously and that her husband at the time had sold his truck, a tan colored Chevy Cheyenne, to an older gentleman in town, Willie. Willie couldn't afford much, so they set up a payment plan. The truck would cost him $750, and he would make payments to Amy's husband each week until it was paid off. Willie made the first few payments, but then the man and his truck rode off into the sunset. Years went by, Amy and her husband moved across town and the truck and unpaid debt became a distant memory. But, one Tuesday morning that all changed.

Amy was home alone when she saw the Chevy Cheyenne parked in front of their house. Then, Willie came to her door. He asked Amy if she remembered him and said that he wanted to talk to her for a few minutes. She invited him in. He said that he was thirsty and asked if she could bring him some sweet tea, so she did. Then, he said that he was hungry and wondered if it would be too much to ask for a cheese sandwich. Amy obliged. He took a few bites and then began to explain why he was there. He said "I am a man of my word" and I want to bring you all of the money that I have. He knew that he owed more, but the $250 that he had in his hand was everything left to his name. Amy explained that she didn't want to take the only money that Willie had, but he insisted. He handed Amy the money and before he left, he had one last request. Willie couldn't read, but he had a worn and tattered bible with him. He asked Amy if she could read a few specific passages to him, Psalm 21 and Hebrews 13:2:

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

Amy kindly agreed and shared a special moment with Willie. After the reading, he got in the truck and drove away. Amy wondered how Willie had even found them, because they had moved into a different house across town years earlier. But, she told her husband that Willie had been by and that he brought them money. Later that week Amy's husband told her to pick up a copy of the paper. She opened the obituary section and to her surprise saw that Willie had passed away that Monday, one day before he had come to pay her a special visit.

How did Willie know where Amy and her husband were living? Why had he asked her to read those specific bible passages? I believe that the visit between Willie and Amy that day was Divine. And, as Hebrews 13:2 states, you may be showing hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Soul Travel Before Death

Have you had any odd occurrences happen when someone you love is nearing the end of their days? I remember a neighbor recount seeing my grandfather swimming in my parent's pool years ago. What's so odd about that? The pool was in Nevada. Grandpa was in Idaho, and my parents were there visiting him. He was dying of cancer. He had 'traveled' to the pool because "he wanted to go for a swim."

Fast forward to this past Monday night. Grandma Ellie's health is declining and my dad is visiting her in Idaho. I was house-sitting at my brother and sister-in-laws house and I remember thinking to myself, "I wonder if Grandma Ellie is going to do some 'traveling' before she passes away." She and I are close, and I fully expect that she'll always be around, even after her time on Earth ends. As I sat on the couch watching TV, the overhead ceiling fan turned on and the light started to dim. There was no one else in the house. I laughed to myself, and decided it was time to go to bed. I put my eye mask on, put in my ear plugs and went to sleep. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and being ticked off that one of my ear plugs had fallen out. There were 2 dogs in the house and they weren't exactly quiet. I searched for the missing ear plug, but no luck. I looked again for the missing plug when I got out of bed in the morning -- Nothing in sight! My morning carried on, I went outside to feed the dogs and chickens, then went back upstairs to get dressed. As soon as I walked in the room, I saw it. The ear plug had been placed on a dresser in the bedroom. It was not within reach from where I was sleeping, and it was standing straight up, as to say "I heard you were looking for me."

Big question: Do you think it's possible to leave your physical body and travel?

Popcorn! Seriously?

I've been working with clients one-on-one across the country, helping them sort through their past, present and future. I recently decided to branch out and also offer in-home gatherings where I can do shorter back-to-back readings for 6-8 people. Last night was my first group event, and it did not disappoint. 

I had about a 25-minute drive to the house where the gathering took place, so I decided to "tune in" and tune out any distractions. I turned the radio off, asked spirit to deliver clear messages for all of the people I was about to meet, and did a bit of basic chanting. A few moments later the clairvoyant messages started to come through -- the first message was POPCORN! I could see popcorn, and for the first time as a psychic, I could smell it. Very odd. But, I made spirit a promise: I would take all of the messages, no matter how strange they were, and deliver them to the recipient(s). I also received a few other messages and jotted them down before entering the home.  

I was welcomed by the gracious host of the party, and her family. And before long, the attendees began to arrive. I decided to start the evening off by telling them a bit about me and my story of becoming a clairvoyant and medium. I opened it up to any general questions that they had and told them that we'd be going into the one-on-one readings shortly. But first... I wanted to share some things that came over while driving there. With some slight awkwardness I told the group that I saw and smelt popcorn. A few moments later two ladies (who I would learn are close sisters) became excited and started exclaiming their amazement. One of them had experienced a house fire that was started by her popcorn machine. There was extensive damage to the home, and as a result, her beloved cat did not survive. The tears began and jaws dropped. And, a few moments later I could sense her cat enter the room, and then brush up against my leg. He was there to say that he was okay, and even though he couldn't be saved that night, he was still very much around the sisters.

Please understand that your loved ones, people and animals, don't ever die. They are around you in their own way, and they want nothing but the best for you. I can't explain why I am able to connect to spirit in such an amazing way, but I am grateful and honored to be able to share my gift with people everywhere. 

I'm Here With You, Love Briana

I remember walking out to my mailbox several years ago to see a letter from Kris, Briana's mom. I carried the envelope back to my house, sat down on my couch and opened it. I wasn't ready for what the unexpected letter revealed. Briana had been in a car accident after she was out celebrating her birthday, and she had passed away.

Briana and I grew up together in the Seattle suburbs. She was full of light, laughter and kindness. We rode our bikes, played board games and went on adventures in the field behind our homes. I always felt very connected to her.

When I received the letter from her mom, I sobbed uncontrollably. Being in tune with spirit, I started to speak to Briana, "I am sorry that you died so young. It isn't fair. You had your entire life in front of you. But, I'll make you a deal. You can come along with me in this lifetime, and I'll do my best to live for both of us." ...Apparently she heard me!

Since Briana's passing, I have felt her spirit. I continued to talk to her, and express my gratitude for being near me! She feels like a sister in spirit to me, and I knew that she was always around.

Fast forward to last weekend. I attended a workshop for intuitives and mediums in Los Angeles, and our teacher told us to bring photos of loved ones that have passed. I carefully packed a photo of Briana and was excited to see if she was going to come through to any of the mediums during the workshop. Wow, did she ever!

I remember sitting in front of a medium and handing her a photo of Briana. I closed my eyes and welcomed any messages. A few moments later the medium began describing Briana's personality. She also mentioned that she was dancing and happy, and that she was there with us. The medium then said "She feels like a soul sister to you!" I about fell out of my chair. The tears started streaming down my face. Then, she said "There is a connection to white flowers and a memorial. Does that make any sense to you? I was puzzled, but I took that message with me.

Upon returning home to Las Vegas, I decided to write Kris and ask if the message of white flowers resonated with her. To my amazement, she confirmed these details:

"I usually put pink carnations at her memorial site at a park close by our house. But, "white flowers" are a symbol of love for the Angel Of Hope memorials where we have plaques for Bri in Phoenix, Arizona (Hansen Memorial Mortuary) and in Fargo, North Dakota. "Angel of Hope" is meant to be for parents who have lost a child. When we go to either Phoenix, Arizona or Fargo, we always take white flowers to place at the angel statue."

I am grateful that I was able to share this special and specific message with Kris, and let her know that Briana is still very present in spirit. The love you have here on Earth never dies!